FOWL Community Connector May 15, 2018 | | The Friends of Waccamaw Library's bi-monthly digital newsletter aims to let you know what's happening on the Waccamaw Neck and Georgetown (farther afield if it's library-related). This e-communication supplements the hard copy newsletter mailed quarterly and is sent to all Friends (whose e-dresses we have) and to all who ask to be added to the Constant Contact list.
In addition to the programming developed by the library system and the Friends (in red), we will cover other opportunities for quality experiences, education and entertainment. The information is organized by date, so scroll down to the date you are seeking. If you are part of a group or organization with news to share, we welcome your announcement. Keep it short; just the facts. We cannot reproduce an elaborate pdf with graphics and photos. The key information needed includes: Title of event, Where held, When (date and time), BRIEF description, Benefit for (if applicable), Cost (if any), Contact (phone and email), Website (for more information). To be added to the e-mail list or to submit an announcement, please send your information directly to the e-newsletter editor Linda Ketron at: | - As of June 1, 2018, any donation of $20 or more includes a FOWL membership for you and your immediate family (spouse and children). We have combined our Individual and Family membership levels.
- We are discontinuing the Youth designation.
- In June, any membership renewals or new signups will be at the $20 and higher levels.
- Supporter, Patron, and larger donations are always welcome. We will continue to offer discounts at the Friends Center at these donation levels.
Your membership is a tax-free donation because FOWL is a 501(c)3 organization. You can now make your donation on-line at or via the new donation envelopes available at the Friends Center.
Kids & Families at Waccamaw Library - all programs free. Game on! We play a wide variety of family friendly board and card games and always have a great time. Free, - Mondays - Open Gaming & Cooperative game day, ages 10+, 3-6:30 PM.
- Tuesdays - Open Gaming & Tabletop, ages 10+, 3-6:30 PM.
- Wednesdays - Open Gaming & Magic the Gathering Day, ages 10+, 3-6:30 PM.
- Thursdays - Open Gaming & Art Day, 10+, 3-6:30 PM.
- Fridays - Minecraft Friday, all ages (under 10 accompanied by adult), 2:30-5 PM.
- Saturdays - Open Gaming, 10+, 11 AM-5 PM. First Saturday each month - Magic the Gathering Draft and competition; Last Saturday each month - Library Game Days, 11 AM-1 PM focus on games for children and families; 1-9 PM focus on games for teens and adults.
PLUS, - Storytime! Every Wednesday, 10:30 AM. Ages birth to 5.
Adults at Waccamaw Library - most programs are free, although some require membership. Contact - Tidelands Camera Club meets on the first Monday each month, 9-11 AM.
- Waccamaw Genealogy Club meets on the third Monday each month, 9-11:30 AM.
- Knitting Group meets Mondays, 1-3 PM to knit and crochet with company and share patterns and techniques. Contact Carol Davison at
- Mah Jongg Club meets Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, bring your set and current card.
- A Course in Miracles meets Thursdays, 1-2:30 PM, facilitated by Marc Breines, 704.309.2415.
- Toastmasters meets noon-1 PM on the second and fourth Thursday each month (May 24, June 14). Improve communication skills, increase self-confidence, think on your feet, give a great "elevator" speech, share stories. Free and open to the public, or
May/June Artist at the Waccamaw Library: Lisa Blayton. Artist Lisa Blayton's original paintings and contemporary free forms will be on display in May and June. She uses porcelain forms, clay, and overglaze oil painting techniques from the 1800s to create her artwork, and often incorporates favored themes like southern plants, scenes, and landscapes. Her free form sculptures include cotton, hand applied metals and recycled glass, to mirror shapes and textures found in nature. Blayton has lived all over the Palmetto State, from the mountains to the coast. She grew up in rural, upper South Carolina with its "rolling hills, wildlife and endless greenery." As an adult, she enjoys the beaches and marsh scenery of the Lowcountry. For more information, May/June Photographer at the Waccamaw Library: Walter Morris. The colorful photography of Dr. Walter Morris will be featured through June. Dr. Morris moved to Litchfield permanently in June 2005 after visiting the area for decades. He practiced general dentistry for 50 years in Pinehurst, N.C. The area has given Dr. Morris plenty to photograph. His stunning images have won several local exhibits over the years. For more information, | CALENDAR OF COMMUNITY EVENTS Volunteer Opportunity: The staff of the Heritage Center at the Georgetown Library are searching for hard-working volunteers who love history and who are interested in sharing their knowledge with Library patrons. Volunteers are needed to assist in the everyday operations of the Center, which include: meeting and greeting Library patrons as they visit the Center, providing information on the history of Georgetown County, and informing visitors of the many historical venues available to tour in the area. Morning and afternoon opportunities are available on Monday through Saturday. The Library's Heritage Center also offers visitors a chance to come in and explore the history of Georgetown County through on-demand video documentaries on such subjects as the Great Depression, WWII, and the men and women of Georgetown. If you are interested in volunteering at the Heritage Center, please contact Julie Warren at 843.545.3316 or
Bob Willey, President of the Friends of Georgetown Library (FOGL) offers: For those who may have missed April's Tuesdays With.... at the Georgetown Library or for those who would like to relive the event, Wendy Allen's very interesting presentation on "North Inlet: One of the Most Studied Estuaries in the World" is available on YouTube. The link is provided below. I know you'll enjoy watching it (again) and thanks to Wendy for permitting us to video her presentation:
10 AM - Georgetown Library (405 Cleland Street) presents Dwight McInvaill will present a study of the most outstanding artist and community activist of the Renaissance with "Alice Ravenel Huger Smith: Beloved Family and Cherished Friends: Special Catalysts to a Charleston Renaissance Artist." Free and open to the public, 843.545.3300. 3 PM - Author Jon Meacham will be at Litchfield Books signing his much publicized new book, The Soul of America. The Pulitzer Prize-winning author helps us understand the present moment in American politics and life by looking back at critical times in our history when hope overcame division and fear. Our current climate of partisan fury is not new, and Meacham shows us how what Abraham Lincoln called the "better angels of our nature" have repeatedly won the day. Each of the dramatic hours in our national life have been shaped by the contest to lead the country to look forward rather than back, to assert hope over fear - a struggle that continues even now. 843.237.8138.
Thursday, May 17 9:30-11 AM - Make & Take Herb Gardening Class at Waccamaw Regional Recreation Center (83 Duncan Avenue, Pawleys Island). Instructed by Sue from Inlet Culinary Garden. All materials provided, just bring gloves! $20, reservations required, 843.545.3202.
5:30-8 PM - Baruch Roundtable: Colonial Culinary Archaeology. Experience a dinner and wine reception overlooking Winyah Bay in the dining room at Hobcaw House. After dessert, retire to the living room to hear Martha Zierden, Curator of Historical Archaeology at the Charleston Museum, speak on the history of Lowcountry foodways. Celebrating King George's 1718 grant of Hobcaw Barony, the Foundation and Zierden's 30 years of research exhibit the colonial cuisine of the past that combines European, African, Native American and West Indian influences. (Exertion level: Low impact, sitting) $85 (limited to 26), reservations required,
Thursday-Sunday, May 17-20 8 PM - Swamp Fox Players present "Love, Lies, and The Doctor's Dilemma" by Michael & Susan Parker, directed by Inge Ebert, at The Strand Theater, Front Street, Georgetown. Joan lives with the great love of her life and in an effort to hide their relationship from her overbearing sister-in-law, she lies about his identity. One little white lie leads to another and then others as Vinny "The Enforcer," a dress-wearing son, and a walking-catastrophe neighbor add to the chaos and confusion! You will be asking yourself - is the doctor in? Join us for this hilarious comedy! Thursday-Saturday, 8 PM; Sunday, 2:30 PM. $18, 843.527.2924, 1#.
Friday, May 18 10 AM-Noon - Shell Midden Paddle. Join the Reserve and Surf the Earth for a naturalist-guided tour to the shell middens of North Inlet. The program includes instruction in basic kayaking, a natural history overview, and educational highlights of the North Inlet ecosystem. Wear sturdy shoes, bring water, snack, and camera/binoculars (if desired). $50/person; weather permitting; limited to 6 participants; registration required, 843.904.9017.
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Tom Poland (South Carolina Country Roads) at Kimbel's, Wachesaw. With characteristic modesty, South Carolina author Tom Poland might deny it, but he shares a kindred spirit and eloquence with late New England poet Robert Frost. Both he and Frost have been drawn inexorably to the road "less traveled and that has made the difference" to both of them. Frost immortalized his life journey in the famous poem, "The Road Not Taken." And now, son of the South and Midlands photojournalist Tom Poland is beguiling us with his newest book. $30, 843.235.9600 or
Saturday, May 19 9 AM-Noon - History and Horticulture in the Victory Garden at Hobcaw Barony. Families drive themselves to the Victory Garden at Bellefield Planation to participate in a hands-on learning experience that explores the history and horticulture at Hobcaw Barony. This program allows participants to immerse themselves in interactive stations that demonstrate dyeing techniques through history, stages of decomposition, stringing of tobacco and its importance to the Lowcountry, pollination and the bees of the Barony, as well as learning to read the ages of trees in the forests. There will also be a hayride for all! After a scavenger hunt, participants will also be able to plant a plant in the garden and take away a plant of their own. At the end of the program, Hobcaw Barony staff and volunteers will host a lady bug release for all to witness. (Exertion level: Moderate impact, walking, standing for long periods) $20/car, reservations required,
10 AM-5 PM - Paint-in with Danny McLaughlin at the Litchfield Exchange (14363 Ocean Highway, behind Applewood House of Pancakes). Join this day-long opportunity to paint with one of the region's finest. Bring finished/unfinished works in any medium, any subject matter, any skill level for review, suggestions and instruction in color theory and composition by one of the area's local art treasures. Tables and chairs provided; bring art supplies and easel if needed. Offered bi-monthly (also June 2 and June 16), space is limited. $45, 843.235.9600 or
11:30 AM-12:30 PM - Hands Across the Sand (HATS)! Join SODA on North Litchfield Beach for this annual event, sponsored by Surfrider Grand Strand. People up and down the Atlantic coast will step onto their beaches at Noon to form a line and hold hands to show our determination to protect our precious ocean and beaches. This happens RAIN or SHINE! Take Hwy 17 to Boyle Drive; proceed to end; turn left on Parker. Walkway 54 is on the right (large entryway with ramp access).
1 PM - The Horry County Museum (805 Main St., Conway) and the Horry County Historical Society present a lecture and book signing by J. Grahame Long on his book Stolen Charleston: The Spoils of War. During both the American Revolution and the Civil War, Charleston was not just a symbolic target but also one of the wealthiest - at least until the shelling started. Once the redcoats of 1780 and the Yankees of 1865 stormed in, nary a church, business or private home was spared fevered plundering. Worse, Charleston's own homefront defenders oftentimes helped themselves to unguarded heirlooms. In 1779, Eliza Wilkinson's shoe buckles were stolen right off her feet. In 1865, Union soldiers butchered several of Williams Middleton's valuable water buffalo and stole the others, some of which were later found at the Central Park Zoo in New York City. Join author and historian J. Grahame Long as he recounts the looting and lost treasures of Charleston. As chief curator for America's first museum (founded 1773), Grahame Long maintains the numerous cultural and material collections within its vast holdings and further oversees the History, Archaeology, Textiles, Archives and Natural Sciences departments. Besides his work at The Charleston Museum, Grahame is an avid hunter and volunteers regularly with Historic Charleston Foundation and Middleton Place Foundation. He currently serves on the Charleston Art & Antiques Forum National Board of Advisors and the Nathaniel Russell House committee, and is a former member of the Presbyterian College Alumni Board of Directors and Historic Charleston Foundation's Scholars Committee. Free and open to the public, 843.915.5320 or
1-3:30 PM - Traditional Music at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm (Hwy 701 North and Harris Short Cut Road, Conway). This month Wayne will demonstrate what it means when musicians "fill in the gaps: and how that can help to sell a song. Free and open to the public, 843.365.3596 or
Tuesday, May 22 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Margaret Bradham Thornton (A Theory of Love) at Caffe Piccolo (change of venue). A follow-up to her successful debut Charleston and set in the world's most glamorous landscapes, this moving new love story draws on a metaphor of entanglement theory to ask: when two people collide, are they forever attached no matter where they are? Helen Gibbs, a British journalist on assignment on the west coast of Mexico, meets Christopher Delavaux, an intriguing half-French, half-American lawyer-turned-financier who has come alone to surf. Living lives that never stop moving, from their first encounter in Bermeja to marriage in London and travels to such places as Saint-Tropez, Tangier, and Santa Clara, Helen and Christopher must decide how much they exist for themselves and how much they exist for each other. A Theory of Love captures the ambivalence at the center of human experience: does one reside in the familiar comforts of solitude or dare to open one's heart and risk having it broken? Set in some of the most picturesque places in the world, this novel questions what it means to love someone and leaves us wondering-can nothing save us but a fall? $30, 843.235.9600 or
Wednesday, May 23 8:30 AM-1 PM - North Inlet Paddle. Join the Reserve and Surf the Earth for a naturalist-guided tour through the creeks of North Inlet. The program includes instruction in basic kayaking, a natural history overview, and educational highlights of the North Inlet ecosystem. Wear sturdy shoes, bring water, snack, and camera/binoculars (if desired). Also offered June 8, July 9, Aug. 7, Aug. 20. $50/person; weather permitting; limited to 6; registration required, 843.904.9017.
Thursday, May 24 1-2 PM - Brookgreen 101, a program sponsored by the Campbell Center for American Sculpture, is a public information program offered usually on the third Thursday of the month in the Welcome Center Conference Room. The topic for May is Red, White, and Blue Sculpture. Free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
3:30-5:30 PM - Pawleys Rocks will be painting rocks at the Waccamaw Library. Bring your rocks and paints and brushes. We will be painting and sealing rocks to be placed out in our community. Supplies will also be available. Free and open to the public.
Thursday, May 24-Sunday, Aug. 19 7-10 PM - Brookgreen Summer Lights Festival. Brookgreen will light up your summer nights, Wednesdays through Saturdays! Created by Chinese Craftsmen in the tradition of famous Chinese Lantern Festivals, this exhibit will inhabit the Lowcountry Zoo with larger-than-life, illuminated silk lantern sculptures in a variety of native animals, insects and plants. The festival will also include games, performances, crafts for the kids, and local food truck vendors. $20 for adults and $15 for children 4 - 12. Children 3 and under are free. Members receive a $5 discount on the ticket price. During the Festival, Brookgreen will close at 5 PM and gates will re-open at 6:30 PM. 843.235.6000 or Friday, May 25 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Mary Alice Monroe (Beach House Reunion) at Pawleys Plantation. With Beach House for Rent on the New York Times bestseller list, the world's premier environmental novelist continues the Beach House Series with a "reunion." $30, 843.235.9600 or Friday-Sunday, May 25-27 7 PM - Waccamaw Getaway Music Festival is a laid back 3-day music festival on the banks of the beautiful Waccamaw River, at the Bucksport Marina (135 Bucksport Road near Conway). Camping is available (and encouraged) to experience the full festival experience. You can come by car or boat, but definitely come and enjoy some great music & soak in the cool vibes! Ticket price includes camping and parking (3-day pass - $125, Friday only - $30, Saturday or Sunday only - $45. Gates open at noon on Friday, music starts at 7 PM. There will be merchandise vendors and food from the onsite restaurant. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Winyah Rivers Foundation, or 843.349.4007. Sunday, May 27 5:30 PM - Brookgreen Gardens Memorial Day Weekend 5K Run. Join us for the 5th Brookgreen Gardens 5K and 1 Mile Race! This is one of the area's most popular races. And, one of the few evening races in the Myrtle Beach area. After the race, stay to enjoy the kick-off of the Cool Summer Evenings Concert Series. Runners may bring one guest into the gardens for the race and concert. Runners admitted at 5 PM; limited to 500. $30 (5K), $20 (1 mile),
7-9 PM - Cool Summer Evenings Concert Series at Brookgreen. Bring a lawn chair and find your favorite spot under the shade of the Live Oaks to enjoy "Prettier Than Matt." Sing along, dance and enjoy the talents of a different local and regional band each Sunday through Aug. 19. Also offered June 3, 10, 17 & 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, August 4, 12 & 19. Beverages and light refreshments available for purchase (no coolers please). 843.235.6000 or
Monday, May 28 10 AM - Georgetown's annual Memorial Day observance will be held at the Veterans Memorial located at 715 Church Street. Col. Myron Harrington, Ret. USMC will be the guest speaker and is the recipient of the nation's second and third highest awards for valor in combat, the Navy Cross and Silver Star, respectively. Harrington was awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism on Feb. 23, 1968 while commanding a USMC force attacking a well-fortified North Vietnamese position along a portion of the wall surrounding the Hue Citadel. The Memorial Day observance is sponsored by American Legion Post 114 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 644. Refreshments will be served afterward, 843.546.3745.
6 PM - Surf The Earth Sunset/Full Moon Kayak Tour. This naturalist guided two-hour tour takes place from dusk through the rising moon. Enjoy a leisurely paddle through the beautiful salt marsh system, and watch the sun set and give way to the moon's rise. If you have a camera, there are a lot of opportunities to capture our spectacular wild life (turtles, dolphins, and shore birds), beautiful sunsets, and spectacular moon rise over the ocean. Bring your favorite beverage and be prepared to kick back and enjoy the spectacular view. All gear is top of the line (11' & 13' Hobie kayaks, fiberglass paddles, and high back comfortable seats). Also offered June 27 & 28, July 25 & 26, Aug. 24 & 25. $75 (single), $120 (tandem), 843.235.3500 or Wednesday, May 30 1-2 PM - Feeding Frenzy. Feeding time at Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center is the most exciting time of the day - for our animals, at least! Help Reserve staff feed our hungry exhibit critters, including our North Inlet fishes, crabs, turtles, snakes, and even our alligator! During the feeding, learn about the animals' biology and their natural habitats. Also offered June 11, July 11 and Aug. 17. Free; limited to 15; registration required, 843.904.9017.
Friday, June 1-Friday, August 24 Adult Summer Reading Challenge at the Waccamaw Neck Branch Library. Participate for a chance to win a gift certificate to The Moveable Feast. Contact Friday, June 1 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Jenny Milchman (Wicked River) at Inlet Affairs.Mary Higgins Clark award-winning suspense novelist of Cover of Snow, Ruin Falls and As Night Falls, who once spent 11 months with her family on the world's longest book tour, brings us another nail-biter. Six million acres separate Natalie and Doug Larson from civilization. For the newlyweds, a back country honeymoon seems ideal: a chance to start their lives together with an adventure. But just as Natalie and Doug begin to explore the dark interiors of their own hearts, and the depths of their love for each other, it becomes clear they are not alone in the woods. A man watches them, wielding the forest like a weapon. He wants something more terrifying than death. And once they enter his domain, he will do everything in his power to make sure they never walk out again. $30, 843.235.9600 or 6-9 PM - Georgetown Business Association presents Band of Oz in concert at Francis Marion Park (801 Front St.). Bring a chair, no coolers. Fri., 6-9 PM, free, Saturday, June 2 10 AM-5 PM - Paint-in with Danny McLaughlin at the Litchfield Exchange (14363 Ocean Highway, behind Applewood House of Pancakes). Join this day-long opportunity to paint with one of the region's finest. Bring finished/unfinished works in any medium, any subject matter, any skill level for review, suggestions and instruction in color theory and composition by one of the area's local art treasures. Tables and chairs provided; bring art supplies and easel if needed. Offered bi-monthly, space is limited. $45, 843.235.9600 or 7 PM - Long Bay Symphony's Woodwinds Quintet performs at the Winyah. $15, 843.461.1342 or Saturday & Sunday, June 2-3 9:30 AM-4 PM - Brookgreen Gardens Art Festival provides an opportunity to talk with local and regional artists and authors. Brookgreen invites selected artists and authors to sell their works, meet with visitors and give demonstrations. The Magnificent Brookgreen Gardens Storyhouse Book series launches its third children's book: Lubbers & Weavers & Bees - Oh My! written by Liz Gallo and illustrated by Millie Doud - both will be available to autograph copies of the book, as will Ron Daise, the series developer. The festival is free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or Sunday, June 3 7-9 PM - Cool Summer Evenings Concert Series at Brookgreen Gardens. Bring a lawn chair and find your favorite spot under the shade of the Live Oaks to enjoy "Vocal Edition." Sing along, dance and enjoy the talents of local and regional favorite bands. Also offered June 10, 17 & 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, August 5, 12 & 19. Beverages and light refreshments available for purchase (no coolers please). $cost, 843.235.6000 or Monday, June 4 10:30 AM - Behind the Scenes Tour of Hobcaw Barony. Join us for an expanded tour of the property with opportunities to see and experience more than what is offered on the Introductory Tour. The program includes stops at the North Inlet salt marsh, the grounds of Bellefield Plantation, Friendfield Village, and the main floor of Hobcaw House, giving participants a chance to spend more time at each location. Reservations are required. Also offered June 11, 18 & 25, July 2, 16, 23 & 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20 & 27. $30, Thursday, June 7 10 AM - First Thursday Speaker Series at Waccamaw Library presents Jennifer Plunkett, "Sea Level Rise: What It Means for Georgetown County." Stewardship coordinator of NERR-Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences will outline how through sea level rise, climate change is impacting our salt marshes. Discover ways the reserve's work is giving insight about local conditions that help decision-makers boost our resilience against the rising sea. Free and open to the public, or Friday, June 8 8:30 AM-1 PM - North Inlet Paddle. See May 23 entry for details. Wear sturdy shoes, bring water, snack, and camera/binoculars (if desired). Also offered July 9, Aug. 7, Aug. 20. Weather permitting; limited to 6; registration required. $50, 843.904.9017. 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Karen White (Dreams of Falling) at Pawleys Plantation. New York Times bestselling author Karen White crafts evocative relationships in this contemporary women's fiction novel, set in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, about lifelong friends who share a devastating secret. On the banks of the North Santee River stands a moss-draped oak that was once entrusted with the dreams of three young girls. Into the tree's trunk, they placed their greatest hopes, written on ribbons, for safekeeping - including the most important one: Friends forever, come what may. But life can waylay the best of intentions... $30, 843.235.9600 or Sunday, June 10 7-9 PM - Cool Summer Evenings Concert Series at Brookgreen Gardens. Bring a lawn chair and find your favorite spot under the shade of the Live Oaks to enjoy "Trip Rogers Band." Sing along, dance and enjoy the talents of local and regional favorite bands. Also offered June 17 & 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, August 5, 12 & 19. Beverages and light refreshments available for purchase (no coolers please). $cost, 843.235.6000 or Monday, June 11 10:30 AM - Behind the Scenes Tour of Hobcaw Barony. See June 4 entry for details. Reservations required. Also offered June 18 & 25, July 2, 16, 23 & 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20 & 27. $30, 1-2 PM - Feeding Frenzy at Hobcaw Barony. See May 30 entry for details. Also offered July 11 and Aug. 17. Limited to 15; registration required. Free, 843.904.9017. Tuesday, June 12 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Michelle Gable (The Summer I Met Jack) at Pawleys Plantation. New York Times bestselling author of The Paris Apartment and I Remember Paris, has based this historical novel on the fascinating real life of the woman J. Edgar Hoover insisted was paid by the Kennedys to keep quiet, not only about her romance with Jack Kennedy, but also a baby they may have had together. In 1950, a young, beautiful Polish refugee arrives in Hyannisport, Mass. to work as a maid for one of the wealthiest families in America. Alicia is dazzled by the large and charismatic family, in particular the oldest son, a rising politician named Jack. Alicia and Jack are soon engaged, but his domineering father forbids the marriage. And so, Alicia trades Hyannisport for Hollywood, and eventually Rome. She dates famous actors and athletes and royalty, including Gary Cooper, Kirk Douglas, and Katharine Hepburn, all the while staying close with Jack. A decade after they meet, on the eve of Jack's inauguration as the thirty-fifth President of the United States, the two must confront what they mean to each other. $30, 843.235.9600 or 4 PM - Body-Friendly Golf intro class with PGA Pro Tom Saguto at the Waccamaw Library. Also offered June 21 and July 12. Free and open to the public, 6-8 PM - Family Fun Nights at Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church. "County Fair" offers games for all ages, musical entertainment on the church campus (9967 Ocean Hwy), popcorn, hotdogs, hamburgers. Also offered June 19 & 26. Free and open to community families, 843.237.4581 or 6-8 PM - Fundraiser at Hog Heaven for the Waccamaw Indian Pauwau (which takes place each fall). Join Cheryl Sievers-Cail, second chief of the Waccamaw Indian tribe, to learn about the significance of the regions' Settlement Indians and their contributions to the early colonial establishment of present-day South Carolina (including geographical place names, trade in food and goods, education in hunting, fishing, agriculture and engineering, labor, defense of colonies and guides-navigators in the exploration of rivers and terrain). Limited seating. Tax deductible tickets ($20 each), includes full buffet (6-7 PM) and special guest speaker (7 PM), 843.240.3087 or Friday, June 15 8:30-11:30 AM - Carolina Nature Photographers Association at the Waccamaw Library (41 St. Paul Place, Pawleys Island). or 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Mary Ann McFadden (The Cemetery Keeper's Wife) at Kimbel's, Wachesaw. In 2007 McFadden "won the literary lottery" when her originally self-published novel, The Richest Season, sold at auction and was translated into multiple languages. Her publishing journey has inspired many new authors. Ten years and four novels later, she explores what happens when the line between the past and the present begins to blur... Rachel Miller is on the cusp of a new life when she moves to Union Cemetery after marrying Adam, the 7th generation cemetery keeper. Though she's known him only twelve weeks, his tender love seems like a miracle of fate after her years alone. On her first walk through the grounds of her new home, Rachel discovers a monument to Tillie Smith, who died in 1886. Reading the words carved into the stone, "She Died in Defence of Her Honor," Rachel is overcome by a powerful memory buried deep in her past. The novel poignantly blends fact and fiction as two women scarred by shame, and separated by more than a century, reach across time to rewrite history. $30, 843.235.9600 or LOOKING AHEAD! Sept. 3 & 13 - Travel Alaska-Inside Passage and benefit FOWL: Barbara McGhee of Cameo Travel Enrichment offers a 10-day cruise along Alaska's famed Inside Passage departing from San Francisco on the Princess Line. Ports of call: San Francisco, Juneau, Skagway, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, Victoria/British Columbia, San Francisco. Prices range from $1,189-$2,654 per person, based on double occupancy. Government taxes are not included. For assistance with booking, air fares to SF and transfers to cruise ship, contact Barbara McGhee, 843.650.4501 or
Oct. 15 - Travel to China and benefit FOWL: Barbara McGhee of Cameo Travel Enrichment offers a 9-day cultural tour of China for $2,290 including international airfare roundtrip from JFK-Beijing. Five star hotels and most meals, as well as Great Wall of China, Terra Cotta Warriors, Summer Palace-UNESCO, Museums-Ancient Antiques, Tang Dynasty Dance & Music, Olympic venues: Bird Nest & Water Cube, Beijing Zoo-Giant Pandas. (Not included, but can be arranged for you round trip flight from your home to JFK, single room supplement $280, personal travel insurance, VISA for China $200 gratuities). 843.650.4501 or ONGOING! - Check out this updated nonprofit website, created and maintained by Murrells Inlet resident John Morken, to keep you informed about all of the cultural events on the Grand Strand. Dedicated to making it easy to know about all the Fine Arts events, it strips away pop culture and tourist attractions found in other guides. The What's Happening page has artists, performers and sponsors personally telling you what they are presenting NOW, along with ads for events. The calendar displays as a month, week, day or agenda. Each event is categorized (e.g., music, art), and you can choose to view any or all of the categories by clicking on them in the dropboxes at the top of the calendar.
Through May 20 - Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum hosts its Horry-Georgetown County High Schools 19th Annual Juried Art Exhibition.
Through June 10 - 21st Annual Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild Juried Exhibition at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum. Gallery hours from 10 AM-4 PM, Tuesday-Saturday and 1-4 PM, Sundays. Free and open to the public (donations welcome), 843.238.2510 or
Through Oct. 15 - Whispering Wings Butterfly Experience at Brookgreen's Butterfly House. This seasonal exhibit features a lush garden filled with tropical plants where hundreds of butterflies soar through the air. Monarch, Zebra Longwing, Polydamas Swallowtails, Pipevine Swallowtails, Spicebush Swallowtails, Julias, Buckeyes, Queens, Painted Lady, and American Lady are just a few of the species that call Whispering Wings home. We will add dozens of other species throughout the summer and fall. Whispering Wings contains a pupae emergence room where visitors may observe the transformation from chrysalis to adult butterflies. Interpretive signs throughout the exhibit and benches provide a restful place to watch their delicate beauty in flight. Daily, 10 AM-4:30 PM, adults $4, children $3 for a 30-minute timed visit, in addition to garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
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