FOWL Community Connector January 15, 2017 | | The Friends of Waccamaw Library's bi-monthly digital newsletter aims to let you know what's happening on the Waccamaw Neck and Georgetown (farther afield if it's library-related). This e-communication supplements the hard copy newsletter mailed quarterly and is sent to all Friends (whose e-dresses we have) and to all who ask to be added to the Constant Contact list.
In addition to the programming developed by the library system and the Friends (in red), we will cover other opportunities for quality experiences, education and entertainment. The information is organized by date, so scroll down to the date you are seeking. If you are part of a group or organization with news to share, we welcome your announcement. Keep it short; just the facts. We cannot reproduce an elaborate pdf with graphics and photos. The key information needed includes: Title of event, Where held, When (date and time), BRIEF description, Benefit for (if applicable), Cost (if any), Contact (phone and email), Website (for more information). To be added to the e-mail list or to submit an announcement, please send your information directly to the e-newsletter editor Linda Ketron at: | Kids & Families at Waccamaw Library - all programs free. - Manners Club is held the first Saturday each month, providing basic etiquette and manners training in a fun and exciting environment for children 4-10 years old. Contact Connie Graham (Ms. Manners) at
- Game on! We play a wide variety of family friendly board and card games at every branch, and always have a great time. Waccamaw Game Night, Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30 PM, free,
- Art with the Myrtle Beach Art Museum. Ages 7 and up, 1st Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- Canine Angels. Reading has gone to the dogs! Check out this link to see the benefits to children of reading to attentive pooches: All ages, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- LEGO Free Build. All ages, Fridays after school.
- Minecraft Club. Come share the worlds you've created! All ages, Fridays after school.
Adults at Waccamaw Library - most programs are free, although some require membership. Contact - Tidelands Camera Club meets on the first Monday each month, 9-11 AM. Membership required.
- Technology Club meets on the second Monday each month at 9:30 AM to discuss advances.
- Waccamaw Genealogy Club meets on the third Monday each month, 9-11:30 AM.
- Knitting Group meets Mondays, 1-3 PM to knit and crochet with company and share patterns and techniques. Contact Carol Davison at
- Mah Jongg Club meets Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, bring your set and current card.
- iPad Club meets on the first Friday each month, 9-10 AM.
- Mac Club meet on the first Friday each month, 10-11 AM.
January-February Artist at the Waccamaw Library: Nancy Bracken. All of Nancy Bracken's tranquil watercolor paintings of "Beaches and Trees" on exhibit through February are for sale through the Friends Center. Each is $200, and Nancy is donating all of the proceeds to FOWL (Friends of Waccamaw Library). Moving to the beautiful Lowcountry of South Carolina over twenty years ago gave Bracken the opportunity to develop her skills and passion as an artist. She began her studies with Bruce Chandler, learning watercolor and collage techniques for depicting the beauty of the ocean, marsh and nature. Her training included many workshops and classes locally and abroad. She is a member of the South Carolina Watercolor Society, Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild, and Georgetown Watercolor Society. She enjoys painting with other artists, friends and groups. Her artwork is available at Art Works, Grayman Gallery and Waterfront Books in Georgetown. Her paintings have been featured in exhibits at the Rice Museum in Georgetown, as well as in other galleries and shows. Bracken's artwork is often purchased by those who wish to take a memento of the Lowcountry home with them. She enjoys knowing that her beach inspired artwork serves as a reminder of good times and beautiful vistas. January-February Photographer at the Waccamaw Library: Phil Filiatrault. Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Phil Filiatrault and his wife Meg relocated to Georgetown. He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University and a MBA from Penn State. After college he served as an officer in the US Air Force during the Vietnam War. Phil developed an interest in photography as a teenager and has always enjoyed nature photography. Upon retirement, Phil began taking courses in photography at CCU and taking classes offered by local camera clubs. He has been a co-coordinator for the Carolinas Nature Photographers Association, Myrtle Beach Club, Seacoast Artist Guild, and is a member of the Tidelands Photography Club. He also volunteers as a photographer at Hobcaw Barony. His images have been shown in local galleries and won awards in the local and state level, particularly at the SC Sportsman's Classic and the SC State Fair.
| The Georgetown County Chronicle: Georgetown County seeks to keep residents and property owners kept abreast of what's going on inside their local government. That's why the "Georgetown County Chronicle" was created. It's a vehicle for information about county services and events, important messages from county officials and behind-the-scenes glimpses at how government works. You can find the Chronicle at or through the Facebook page. If you'd rather have it delivered to your inbox, e-mail with the subject line "send me the Chronicle." Tuesdays, Jan. 17-Feb. 28 7-8 PM - Meditation and Mindfulness Series continues at the Waccamaw Library with Isabelle Boyd. Wellness advocate Isabelle Boyd will introduce you to styles and techniques of meditation from different lineages that allow you to experience Oneness and Wholeness in traditions ranging from Ashtanga to Zen. The audience will be simultaneously entertained and educated as she weaves mythology, psychology and humor into her talks. "During the class, we will explore the wisdom of the Masters from ancient to living examples of Peace and Love," Boyd said. "Come experience this exciting series learning mantra, creative visualization and empowerment." Boyd, owner and creator of Bella Luna Healing Spa in Pawleys Island, established a Yoga & Massage Wellness Department at Kingston Plantation, after her 1991 training in the Art of Massage & Meditation in Motion at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, MA. To reserve a seat or for more information, email Wednesday, Jan. 18 1 PM - The Horry County Museum (805 Main St., Conway) continues its Documentary Matinee Series for 2017, with a film produced by SCETV featuring brief biographies of Revolutionary War Era inductees into the South Carolina Hall of Fame. Films are free and open to the public. For more information, call 843.915.5320 or visit
Thursday, Jan. 19 Jan. 19 - Author's Table at the Waccamaw Library presents Tanya Ackerman and her book Pawleys Island: Chasing the Light, the first pictorial and landscape photography book on Pawleys Island ever done on the arrogantly shabby, historic island. With a foreword by Lee Brockington and text by Anna Simon, the book celebrates stunning scenes from around what is arguably the oldest summer resort on the East Coast. Whether you are a life-long resident, a relocated worker or retiree, a frequent visitor or a first time guest in this scenic and historic beach town, Ackerman's photographs are a doorway through which you can discover and remember the majesty and many moods of this special place called Pawleys Island. Friday, Jan. 20 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Michael Bonner & Fritz Hamer (SC Civil War and Reconstruction) at Inlet Affairs. The editors of this anthology selected 23 of the most enduring and important scholarly articles about the Civil War and Reconstruction era published in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association. As past officers of the South Carolina Historical Association (SCHA), Bonner and Hamer chose from the several hundred essays published since 1931 to create this treasure trove of scholarship on an impressive variety of subjects including race, politics, military events, and social issues. $30, 843.235.9600 or
6:30 PM - Friday Night Classic Movies Series at the Waccamaw Library presents "2001 Space Odyssey." A mind-bending sci-fi symphony, Stanley Kubrick's landmark 1968 epic pushed the limits of narrative and special effects toward a meditation on technology and humanity. Based on Arthur C. Clarke's story "The Sentinel", Kubrick and Clarke's screenplay is structured in four movements. At the "Dawn of Man," a group of hominids encounters a mysterious black monolith alien to their surroundings. To the strains of Strauss's 1896 Also sprach Zarathustra, a hominid invents the first weapon, using a bone to kill prey. As the hominid tosses the bone in the air, Kubrick cuts to a 21st century spacecraft hovering over the Earth, skipping ahead millions of years in technological development. With assistance from special-effects expert Douglas Trumbull, Kubrick spent over two years meticulously creating the most "realistic" depictions of outer space ever seen, greatly advancing cinematic technology for a story expressing grave doubts about technology itself. Despite some initial critical reservations that it was too long and too dull, 2001 became one of the most popular films of 1968, underlining the generation gap between young moviegoers who wanted to see something new and challenging and oldsters who "didn't get it." Free and open to the public.
Friday & Saturday, Jan. 20 & 21 The Strand Cinema on Front Street in Georgetown offers Friday, Jan. 20, 2:30 PM - The Dressmaker (2015) and 7 PM - A Man Called Ove (2015, subtitled); Saturday, Jan. 21, 2:30 PM - Indignation (2016) and 7 PM - Genius (2016). Membership $100 (two $5 tickets per film), or $7 per film for non-members. For film descriptions, or 843.527.2924, 3#. Saturday, Jan. 21 9 AM-4 PM - Smokehouse Day at L. W. Paul Living History Museum (2279 Harris Short Cut Road, Conway). Winter was the time of year for curing pork on the farm, and a season when the family was dependent on home preserved foods during the cold winter months. Staff and volunteers will demonstrate how foods were preserved and prepared on the family farm during the early twentieth century in Horry County. Demonstrations will include smoking and salting meat, cooking on a wood stove, making lye soap, grinding grits, blacksmithing and other traditional farm activities. The L. W. Paul Living History Farm re-creates life on the one horse family farm in Horry County from 1900-1955. Free and open to the public. For more information, call 843.365.3596 or visit H 9 AM-5 PM - Trail Ride with Your Horse. Individuals of all ages bring their own horse(s) and ride designated trails in Hobcaw Barony. Riders will have experience of exploring 16,000 acres with maps that highlight points of interest. Sat. check-in 9 AM - Noon. Horses, trailers and owners must depart by 5 PM. $30 per person. Registration and waiver forms must be received at least 3 days before to ensure confirmation. Download forms or pick up in the Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center. 843.546.4623 or 1 PM - Reign of Rice Lecture Series at Brookgreen Gardens. Joseph Opala, historian and anthropologist, presents "Native American Shared Cultural Vestiges" in the Wall Lowcountry Center Auditorium. Free with garden admission, reservations required, 843.235.6049 or 6:30-8:30 PM - The Waccamaw Library and Friends of the Waccamaw Library welcome the Island Jazz Quartet in a free concert as part of the Waccaaw Library Musicians Series. The Island Jazz Quartet is comprised of musicians who started playing when they were just kids - and loved it so much, they never stopped. Clair Fancher is on bass, but also had plenty of bookings as a cornet virtuoso. Guitarist Ben Clark is originally from North Carolina, but moved here in 1995. Jack Seibert played drums in high school and college and continued played through his teaching career of 40 years in New York State. Saxophone player Barry Lieberman began playing instruments at 8 and could play all wind instruments by the time he arrived at Ithaca College. He taught for 32 years as a band director and performed every chance he could get. Tuesdays, Jan 24-Feb. 14 1:30-3:30 PM- South Carolina, A History with Lee Brockington in the seminar room at Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center. Co-sponsored with Coastal Carolina University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), the SC history course is fact- and fun-filled. Learn about Native Americans, plantations, economics, politics, hurricanes, culture, small towns and food. What makes our state different from the other southern states, much less different from "the North"? Lectures from the podium leave some time for questions and answers. Suggested reading: South Carolina, a History by Walter Edgar and The SC Encyclopedia, edited by Dr. Edgar, both from USC Press and both available at the library. Space is limited to 45. Register at the Litchfield Education Center (14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing), call 843.349.6584, or visit
Wednesday, Jan. 25 1 PM - Brookgreen's Gullah Geechee Program Series features Gillian Richards-Greaves, Ph.D., CCU Assistant Professor, Department of History (Anthropology), presenting "Connections with Gullah Geechee and Caribbean/West African Cultures." She will identify Africanisms/African retentions in both. Free with garden admission, reservations required, 843.235.6049 or 1 PM - The Horry County Museum (805 Main St., Conway) continues its Documentary Matinee Series for 2017 with a film produced by SCETV featuring brief biographies of Antebellum Era inductees into the South Carolina Hall of Fame. Films are free and open to the public. For more information, call 843.915.5320 or visit
Thursday, Jan. 26 10 AM - The Author's Table at Waccamaw Library presents Dana Ridenour. Her debut novel Behind the Mask is an FBI thriller about an idealistic FBI agent who goes deep undercover to befriend and infiltrate a dangerous group of domestic terrorists. When events spiral out of control she begins to realize, possibly a little too late, that her sworn duty may require her to betray the surprisingly deep friendships she has formed with the people who have let her into their highly secretive world. "I'm a retired FBI agent who spent about half of my career working undercover. I spent several years infiltrating domestic terrorism cells, many like the ones portrayed in the novel. The FBI is hardly ever portrayed factually in novels, television, or movies. I wanted to write a realistic FBI undercover novel. My firsthand knowledge of undercover work allowed me to write a novel that not only has a thriller element, but also delves into the psychological impact that undercover work has on the agent," Dana explains.
1:30-4:30 PM - Hike Hobcaw: Hobcaw Beach. Travel by bus to a 2-mile portion of Hobcaw Barony's undeveloped barrier island. Walk into the maritime forest for a history tour and discover archaeological evidence of the summer home and kitchen of the Alston family. Joseph and Theodosia Burr Alston used the location as an escape from malaria, but their son died here. Enjoy a guided ecology tour, shelling, or a brisk walk to North Inlet. $25 per person. Reservations required. 843.546.4623 or Friday, Jan. 27 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Deanna Raybourn (A Perilous Undertaking) at Ocean One, Litchfield. New York Times bestselling author of the Lady Julia Grey mysteries presents Victorian adventuress and butterfly hunter Veronica Speedwell who receives an invitation to visit the Curiosity Club, a ladies-only establishment for daring and intrepid women. There she meets the mysterious Lady Sundridge, who begs her to take on an impossible task - saving society art patron Miles Ramsforth from execution. Accused of the brutal murder of his artist mistress Artemisia, Ramsforth will face the hangman's noose in a week's time if Veronica cannot find the real killer. $30, 843.235.9600 or 1-3:30 PM - Shell Midden Walk. Join NERR (North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve) for a short hike on our salt marsh trail to one of our unique Native American shell middens. These middens are a special feature to our southeastern coasts. Salt marsh biology and ecology and the significance of middens will be shared. Please bring shoes or boots that can get a little muddy. Free, weather permitting; limited to 14 participants, 843.904.9016. Friday-Sunday, Jan. 27-29 Times vary -13th Annual French Film Series at the Waccamaw Library. Five days and six films shown in their original language with English subtitles, organized by Josette Sharwell and sponsored by the Friends of Waccamaw Library. - Friday, Jan. 27 at 7 PM - "Le nouveau" (The New Kid, 2015), directed and scripted by Rudi Rosenberg. Benoit, 14, arrives at his new school in Paris and his first week does not go according to plan. He is roughed up by Charles's gang, the popular kids, and the only students who welcome him with any kindness are the "nerds." Fortunately there is Johanna, a pretty Swedish girl who becomes his friend. However, she drifts away to join Charles's gang. On his uncle's advice, Benoit organizes a party and invites his entire class but only the three outcasts turn up. What if this bunch of losers was to be the best gang ever?
- Saturday, Jan. 28 at 2 PM - "En équilibre" (In Harmony, 2015), directed and co-scripted by Denis Dercourt, based on Bernard Sachsé's autobiographical book On My Four Legs. Marc Guermont used to be a stuntman on horseback in films. One day he has a bad fall from his mount during the shooting of a historical movie. And not only has he become a paraplegic but his insurance company tries to rip him off. Two good reasons for Marc to feel bitter and enraged while he waits for the coming of his insurance "advisor" who happens to be a seductive woman sharing his love of music. His burning desire to ride again inspires her to dredge up old ambitions to be a concert pianist. Both are seeking the strength to change direction and embrace a different life with greater depth and their true passion: the piano for her and the joy of working with horses for him.
- Sunday, Jan. 29 at 2 PM - "Belle & Sebastien: L'aventure continue" (2015), directed by Christian Duguay, based on the original story by actress-writer Cécile Aubry. The story begins two years following the first movie set in 1943. It is now 1945, and school and post-war normalcy are starting to take over the village but Sebastien and Belle, his enormous Pyrenean Mountain dog, are up to their old tricks playing in the hills. With his adoptive grandfather César, he eagerly awaits the return of Angelina, his mother of sorts and César's niece, from her time in the Resistance in London. Tragedy strikes when the plane carrying Angelina crashes in the wilderness of the French-Italian border, setting ablaze an enormous forest fire. César enlists the help of cantankerous pilot Pierre Marceau (who may be Sebastien's long lost father) to make a fly-by of the crash site to search for Angelina presumed dead. Sebastien and Belle sneak on board Pierre's plane.....
Three additional films Feb. 3-4. A limited number of six-film passes ($8)are available only at Art Works in the Litchfield Exchange, 843.235.9600. If any passes remain, they will be available the evening of the first film. Tickets for individual films are $3 each at the door. Jan. 28-April 23 - Sculpture Exhibit at Brookgreen Gardens. Life in the American West is on display in the Rainey Sculpture Pavilion. Daily, 9:30 AM-5 PM, free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or Saturday, Jan. 28 5:30-7:30 - The 19th Annual Souper Bowl to benefit Habitat for Humanity will be held at Precious Blood of Christ Catholic Church on Waverly Road in Pawleys Island, featuring hundreds of handcrafted and hand-painted vessels, scores of gourmet soups, and loaves of homemade breads. $25 in advance or $30 at the door, 843.546.5685.
Tuesday, Jan. 31 7 PM - Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art presents Zuill Bailey and Natasha Paremski at The Abbey in Litchfield Plantation (96 Gathering Place Lane), Pawleys Island. Zuill Bailey is a distinguished soloist, recitalist, Artistic Director and teacher. His rare combination of celebrated artistry, technical wizardry and engaging personality has secured his place as one of the most sought after and active cellists today. Mr. Bailey has appeared at Disney Hall, the Kennedy Center, the United Nations, Alice Tully Hall, the 92nd St. Y and Carnegie Hall, where he made his concerto debut performing the U.S. premiere of Miklos Theodorakis' "Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra." In addition, he made his New York recital debut in a sold out performance of the complete Beethoven Cello Sonatas at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Bailey also presented the U.S. premiere of the Nico Muhly Cello Concerto with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. World premieres include works by composers such as Lowell Lieberman, Phillip Lasser, Roberto Sierra, Benjamin Wallfisch and Michael Daugherty. All tickets purchased for the Hurricane Matthew postponed event will be honored. Tues., 7 PM, $25-reserved, $45-preferred, 843.626.8911 or Thursday, Feb. 2 10 AM-Noon - First Thursday Speakers Series at Waccamaw Library. Sponsored by FOWL and South Carolina Humanities, Paige Sawyer presents "Wonderful Winyah Bay." Without even risking the elements, experience the majesty of our beautiful Winyah Bay. Discover its impact, beauty and secrets on this exceptional pictorial sojourn with long-time professional photographer, OLLI photography instructor, Rover Tours naturalist and local history insider. First Thursday also offered March 2, April 6 and May 4. Free and open to the public,,
1-4 PM - Life in a Wetland. Celebrate World Wetlands Day by getting up close and personal with these important freshwater habitats and the National Estuarine Research Reserve. Explore and learn about the wildlife that lives in our southern wetlands - from birds of prey, alligators, and plants all the way down to the microscopic invertebrates in the water. Free, weather permitting; limited to 20 participants, 843.904.9016.
3-4 PM - 2017 Litchfield Tea & Poetry at the Waccamaw Neck Library. Join Susan Laughter Meyers and Libby Bernardin, series facilitators, for the 11th year featuring talented poets of the region. Jennifer Bartell teaches at Spring Valley High School in Columbia. She has an MFA from the University of South Carolina; and her poetry has appeared in Callaloo, Pluck!, and the museum of americana, among others. Len Lawson is the author of the chapbook Before the Night Wakes You (Finishing Line Press) and co-founder of the Poets Respond to Race initiative. Recent honors include a fellowship from Callaloo Creative Writing. He teaches writing at Central Carolina Technical College. Book signing after the reading; tea and homemade confections by Deloris Roberts. Tea & Poetry also offered March 2 and April 6. Free and open to the public,,,
Friday, Feb. 3 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Beatriz Williams (The Wicked City) at Pawleys Plantation. New York Times bestselling author Beatriz Williams recreates the New York City of A Certain Age in this deliciously spicy adventure that mixes past and present and centers on a Jazz Age love triangle involving a rugged Prohibition agent, a saucy redheaded flapper, and a debonair Princetonian from a wealthy family. $30, 843.235.9600 or
Friday & Saturday, Feb. 3-4 Times vary - 13th Annual French Film Festival at the Waccamaw Library. Organized by Josette Sharwell and sponsored by the Friends of Waccamaw Library. - Friday, Feb. 3 at 7 PM - SAMBA, 2014, directed by Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, based on the novel Samba for France by Delphine Coulin. Avec Omar Sy, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Izia Higelin (who received a César nomination). Samba (Omar Sy) migrated to France ten years ago from Senegal and has since been plugging away at various lowly jobs trying to make his presence official. Alice is a senior executive recovering from burnout and working pro-bono to help her recovery. When Alice, in her capacity of worker helping immigrants to Paris apply for visas and jobs and Samba meet, there is an immediate connection. Both struggle to get out of their dead-end lives: Samba is willing to do whatever it takes to get working papers, while Alice tries to get her life back on track, until fate draws them together. As they did in the mega hit INTOUCHABLES, the directors use a serious topic and make a light comedy-drama avoiding political views and with laugh-out-loud moments.
- Saturday, Feb. 4 at 2 PM - LES SAISONS (Seasons, 2015), directed and written by Oscar nominated Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud. Four years in the making, the mesmerizing SEASONS does for the beasts of the land what WINGED MIGRATIONS and OCEANS did for those of the air and the sea, using the same incredible feats of photography and the same writing and directorial team. At the end of the ice age, 80,000 years ago, when the planet tilted slightly, the ice retreated, the cycle of seasons was established and the beasts occupied their new kingdom, the forests. It was a world of life and survival one of astonishing beauty. Then, a new creature - man - appeared as an intruder in this earthly paradise and proceeded to alter and sometimes devastate all forms of life. A beautiful thought-provoking tale of the long and tumultuous shared history that binds humans with the animal world.
- Saturday, Feb. 4 at 7 PM - MÉDECIN DE CAMPAGNE (Country Doctor, 2016), directed and co-scripted by doctor-turned-director Thomas Lilti, based on his past experiences replacing country doctors during his internship. With French box-office star François Cluzet. Jean-Pierre is a no-nonsense but not unkind middle-aged country doctor whose role in the rural communities he serves extends beyond just checking his patients' physical well-being 7 days a week, night and day. In the film's opening scenes he is told he needs to stop working if he wants to get better because he is gravely ill and needs to concentrate on his upcoming treatments. His doctor sends him Nathalie, also middle-aged, a former hospital nurse who just completed her internship in a big city, to assist him. Will she adapt to this new life and be able to replace the man who thinks he is irreplaceable?
A limited number of passes for all six films ($8) can be purchased at Art Works in the Litchfield Exchange (10 AM-2 PM, Mon.-Sat., 843.235.9600). Individual tickets at $3 each will be available at the door during the Festival.
Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 4-5 4 PM - Winter Tea Party at Brookgreen Gardens. Warm up a winter day with hot teas and sweet and savory treats in the Pavilion Restaurant. Also offered Feb. 11-12, Feb. 18-19 and Feb. 25-26. $30 members and $35 nonmembers. Reservations required, 843.235.6016 or Tuesday, Feb. 7 1:30-4:30 PM - Spiritual Places, A Cemetery Tour at Hobcaw Barony. Join guest lecturer Jim Ward of the College of Charleston and staff as they explain differences in white and black burial places as we travel by bus and on foot to remote cemeteries on Hobcaw Barony. Five known cemeteries reflect culture, time and place. Tues., 1:30-4:30 PM. $30 per person. Reservations required. 843.546.4623 or Thursday, Feb. 9 7-9 PM - How Do We Grow from Here? After an international competition, Georgetown County has been named a Regional Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development by the United Nations. The designation recognizes both the significant challenges faced by the county as it grows in the future and the extensive resources available here to address those challenges. This evening the dialogue begins at the Waccamaw Neck Branch Library. Speakers include Boyd Johnson, County Director of Planning, Michelle LaRocco, one of the authors of Low Impact Development in Coastal South Carolina, and Pamela Martin, Professor of Politics and International Relations at Coastal Carolina University. Linda Ketron will facilitate the discussion. Free and open to the public, Thursday & Friday, Feb. 9 & 10 Times vary - Plantation Sportsmen Series: Arcadia Plantation. Thursday night, enjoy dinner in Hobcaw House dining room and enjoy introduction to the history of Arcadia Plantation, the estate north of Hobcaw. Purchased in 1906 and owned by Dr. Isaac Emerson, Arcadia grew to encompass thousands of acres and was inherited by Emerson's grandson George Vanderbilt. On Friday, guests will participate in tours of plantations' grounds. Hobcaw staff will share views of rice fields and an early 19th century chimney, the exterior grounds and gardens of the 1791 Prospect Hill Plantation house, a cemetery, stable, bowling alley and beautiful camellias. Thurs., 6-9 PM. Fri., 9:30 AM-4 PM. $150 per person. Reservations required. 843.546.4623 or Friday, Feb. 10 9 AM-2 PM - Know the Neck, Come Connect: Volunteer Fair, sponsored by the Friends of Waccamaw Library, will welcome nearly 20 non-profit organizations located on and/or servicing the Waccamaw Neck area to inform residents and snowbirds of the volunteer opportunities available. With groups representing Literacy & Education, Cultural Arts, Youth, Health & Well-being, the Environment and Animal Care, there will be something of interest for everyone. Join us in the DeBordieu Colony Auditorium at the Waccamaw Library to meet the dedicated staff and volunteers of these service organizations, enjoy refreshments provided by local restaurants, and find your new cause! Free and open to the public. For more information, visit 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Brent Morris (Yes Lord, I Know the Road) at Hot Fish Club. From USC Beaufort assistant professor of history and director of the National Endowment for the Humanities summer institute "America's Reconstruction: The Untold Story" comes the first comprehensive history of African Americans in the Palmetto State. From the first North American slave rebellion near the mouth of the Pee Dee River in the early sixteenth century to the 2008 state Democratic primary victory of Barack Obama, award-winning historian J. Brent Morris examines the unique struggles and triumphs of African Americans in South Carolina. Many of these source documents are previously unpublished; others have been long out of print. Morris proposes that reading the narrative-sources black Carolinians left behind brings life and relevancy to the past that will spark new public conversations, inspire fresh questions, and encourage historians to pursue innovative scholarly work. $30, 843.235.9600 or
6:30 PM - Friday Night Classic Movies Series at the Waccamaw Library presents Waterloo Bridge (1940), the second film version of Robert E. Sherwood's book, here laundered to fit the Motion Picture industries morality codes. In the remake, told in flashback as a means of "distancing" the audience from what few unsavory story elements were left, the heroine, Vivien Leigh, starts out as a virginal ballerina (rather than a prostitute). Robert Taylor, a British officer from a wealthy family, falls in love with Vivien. When Taylor marches off to war, Vivien abandons an important dance recital to bid her fiance goodbye, losing her job as a result. Later, led to believe that Taylor has been killed in battle, she is given a motivation for turning to prostitution. Saturday, Feb. 11 1-4 PM - Waccamaw Conference presents "Innovation on the River: Past, Present, and Future" at the Horry County Museum (805 Main Street, Conway). Free, or 843.349.4007. 6:30-8 PM - The Waccamaw Library presents George Devens' Tribute to Barry Manilow and Tony Bennett. Sit back and enjoy while George Devens performs old favorites! A working musician all his life, he joined The George Shearing Quintet in his 20's, playing vibraphones and timbales. He then worked as a studio musician in Manhattan for 35 years. He's recorded with Burt Bacharach, Barbra Streisand, Frank Sinatra, and Barry Manilow, as well laying countless commercial and film soundtracks. He also wrote, produced and performed musical theatre and cabaret in Manhattan, Massachusetts and Vermont. Upon moving to Little River, SC in 1995, he began performing a series of 90-minute one-man shows at nearby colleges and museums in North and South Carolina. Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 11-12 Noon-5 PM - Special Valentine Event at Brookgreen's Keepsakes Gift Shop. Join us and experience our new jewelry collections just in time for Valentine's Day shopping. 4 PM - Winter Tea Party at Brookgreen Gardens. See Feb. 4-5 entry for details. Also offered Feb. 18-19 and Feb. 25-26. $30 members and $35 nonmembers. Reservations required, 843.235.6016 or Sunday, Feb. 12 11 AM-4 PM - Tree Party! Trees for Tomorrow will be giving away FREE TREES at Moe's BBQ in Pawleys and at The Hot Fish Club Gazebo in Murrells Inlet. With 1,000 Dogwoods, 1,000 Redbuds, 500 Southern Magnolias and 500 Eastern Red Cedars to give away, this special event will surpass the organization's goal of planting 15,000 new trees on the Waccamaw Neck in its first five years. If you suffered tree loss from Hurricane Matthew, or want to memorialize an anniversary or birthday, plant a tree (or a grove!) and watch it grow. If you would like trees for your home, business or development or would like to volunteer that day to help distribute at either of the locations, please email Rick Baumann at Tuesday, Feb. 14 9:30 AM - The Low Country Herb Society (LCHS) meets at the Waccamaw Library with guest speaker Ed Robidoux, who will give a live demonstration on Cooking with Herbs. Membership in LCHS is open to all, and no experience is necessary! A "Meet and Greet" social time, to welcome guests and members, is held prior to the meeting with refreshments provided by LCHS members. Every regular meeting includes a guest speaker, tips and tricks with herbs, and information on the Herb of the Month. LCHS meets from September through May and the annual dues are $25 with a quarterly newsletter included. For more information, look for us on Facebook or contact us at the following email address: 1:30-3:30 PM - Bellefield Plantation Tour. This program features the permanent home of Belle Baruch, daughter of Bernard and Anne Baruch. As the house stands empty and awaits restoration, these tours provide a peek inside the home, as well as a chance to walk the grounds, see the stables, kennels, garage and gardens of a once stately home. $20 per person. Reservations required. 843.546.4623 or
Ongoing! Call to area ARTISTS, AUTHORS, MUSICIANS and PERFORMERS. Sign up to receive updates as this new group develops its website and opportunities for local artists, authors, musicians, and performers to reach potential audiences. Former SC congresswoman and award-winning area artist Vida Miller (Gray Man Gallery) has spearheaded this alliance that is already 250 members strong. (formerly Check out this updated nonprofit website, created and maintained by Murrells Inlet resident John Morken, to keep you informed about all of the cultural events on the Grand Strand. Dedicated to making it easy to know about all the Fine Arts events, it strips away pop culture and tourist attractions found in other guides. The What's Happening page has artists, performers and sponsors personally telling you what they are presenting NOW, along with ads for events. The calendar displays as a month, week, day or agenda. Each event is categorized (e.g., music, art), and you can choose to view any or all of the categories by clicking on them in the dropboxes at the top of the calendar. Through Feb. - Silent Cities: Cemetery Tours at Brookgreen Gardens. Ride on the Trekker down back roads and explore cemeteries on this two-hour excursion. Walk through former slaves and plantation owners' graveyards and hear about the historical burial customs of European and African origin. Tickets must be purchased at Keepsakes at least 10 minutes prior to departure time. Visitors who purchase tickets for this excursion will receive a discount coupon for same-day purchases at Keepsakes. Sun., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat., 12 PM & 2:30 PM, $15 in addition to garden admission, reservations suggested, 843.235.6038. Through Feb. - The Oaks Plantation History and Nature Trail at Brookgreen Gardens. Travel back roads with an interpreter and hear about the history of the prominent Alston family here in colonial and antebellum eras. Visit the location of the plantation house, the Alston family cemetery, grounds of the slave village, and other archaeological sites. Due to its remote location, transportation is by mini-bus. Purchase tickets at Keepsakes at least 10 minutes prior to departure time. Guests for this excursion will receive a discount coupon for same-day purchases at Keepsakes. Mon. & Wed., 11 AM and 1 PM, $8 adults, $4 children, in addition to garden admission, 843.235.6038. Through March 12 - Brookgreen Gardens presents "Shine On, Gullah. Shine On," an exhibit of story quilts, fabric collages, and prints by fabric chronicler Dorothy Montgomery of Charleston, in Learning Lab I at the Wall Lowcountry Center. Daily, noon-4:30 PM, free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
Through March 25 - Children's Discovery Room at Brookgreen Gardens. The Children's Discovery Room features seven interactive stations for children ages 4 - 12 that afford opportunities to learn about the rich history, nature and art at Brookgreen Gardens. Sat. & Sun., Noon-4:30 PM, free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
Though April 23 - The 2010 The Quilts of Gee's Bend exhibition, presented by the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum, remains one of the Museum's most popular and talked-about exhibitions, according to Museum director Patricia Goodwin. A new exhibition, Gee's Bend: From Quilts to Prints, examines the work of four well-known Gee's Bend quiltmakers and their recent exploration into the art of printmaking. Additional public programs to accompany the exhibit are planned for spring 2017. Gallery hours for Gee's Bend: From Quilts to Prints will be from 10 AM-4 PM Tuesday through Saturday and 1-4 PM Sundays.
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