The Friends of Waccamaw Library's bi-monthly digital newsletter aims to let you know what's happening on the Waccamaw Neck and Georgetown (farther afield if it's library-related). This e-communication supplements the hard copy newsletter mailed quarterly and is sent to all Friends (whose e-dresses we have) and to all who ask to be added to the Constant Contact list.
In addition to the programming developed by the library system and the Friends (in red), we will cover other opportunities for quality experiences, education and entertainment. The information is organized by date, so scroll down to the date you are seeking. If you are part of a group or organization with news to share, we welcome your announcement. Keep it short; just the facts. We cannot reproduce an elaborate pdf with graphics and photos. The key information needed includes: Title of event, Where held, When (date and time), BRIEF description, Benefit for (if applicable), Cost (if any), Contact (phone and email), Website (for more information). To be added to the e-mail list or to submit an announcement, please send your information directly to the e-newsletter editor Linda Ketron at: | Kids & Families at Waccamaw Library - all programs free. - Manners Club is held the first Saturday each month, providing basic etiquette and manners training in a fun and exciting environment for children 4-10 years old. Contact Connie Graham (Ms. Manners) at
- Game on! We play a wide variety of family friendly board and card games at every branch, and always have a great time. Waccamaw Game Night, Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30 PM, free,
- Art with the Myrtle Beach Art Museum. Ages 7 and up, 1st Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- Canine Angels. Reading has gone to the dogs! Check out this link to see the benefits to children of reading to attentive pooches: All ages, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- LEGO Free Build. All ages, Fridays after school.
- Minecraft Club. Come share the worlds you've created! All ages, Fridays after school.
Adults at Waccamaw Library - most programs are free, although some require membership. Contact - Tidelands Camera Club meets on the first Monday each month, 9-11 AM. Membership required.
- Technology Club meets on the second Monday each month at 9:30 AM to discuss advances.
- Waccamaw Genealogy Club meets on the third Monday each month, 9-11:30 AM.
- Carolina Nature Photography meets on the third Monday each month, 6:30-9 PM.
- Knitting Group meets Mondays, 1-3 PM to knit and crochet with company and share patterns and techniques. Contact Carol Davison at
- Mah Jongg Club meets Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, bring your set and current card.
- iPad Club meets on the first Friday each month, 9-10 AM.
- Mac Club meet on the first Friday each month, 10-11 AM.
December-February Artist at the Waccamaw Library: Nancy Bracken. Bracken's tranquil watercolor paintings on exhibit through February represent the theme of "Beaches and Trees." Moving to the beautiful Lowcountry of South Carolina over twenty years ago gave Bracken the opportunity to develop her skills and passion as an artist. She began her studies with Bruce Chandler, learning watercolor and collage techniques for depicting the beauty of the ocean, marsh and nature. Her training included many workshops and classes locally and abroad. She is a member of the South Carolina Watercolor Society, Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild, and Georgetown Watercolor Society. She enjoys painting with other artists, friends and groups. Her artwork is available at Art Works, Grayman Gallery and Waterfront Books in Georgetown. Her paintings have been featured in exhibits at the Rice Museum in Georgetown, as well as in other galleries and shows. Bracken's artwork is often purchased by those who wish to take a memento of the Lowcountry home with them. She enjoys knowing that her beach inspired artwork serves as a reminder of good times and beautiful vistas. For more information, December Photographer at the Waccamaw Library: Kathy LaBerge Originally from Vermont, LaBerge initially came to Myrtle Beach in 2013, "for three months, to get away from the hardships of the Vermont winter." While enjoying the Lowcountry, she received an unexpected diagnosis of cancer. LaBerge and her husband made the decision to stay in South Carolina. They also bought some orchid plants as a distraction during Kathy's illness, flowers she admired greatly as they began to bloom. It became obvious that a camera was needed to capture the gorgeous flowers and freeze their beauty beyond their normal bloom time. Enter photography and the pictures that have been taken in the last few years, reminders that life is precious and to enjoy what is in front of you at all times! For more information,
| Classics for Kids: Tom Warner/Anne Potterfield Tribute
When the Waccamaw Neck lost Tom Warner of Litchfield Books in 2015, the Waccamaw Library lost a longstanding friend and supporter. One of the bookstore's frequent patrons, Sue Ann Whittick, came up with a terrific win-win way to honor Tom and one of his most loyal customers, Anne Potterfield, who passed that year as well. Both believed in the importance of reading to children from an early age, and certainly social and educational research has borne out its value.
With the guidance of Children's Librarian Amy King, a list of must-read, well-worn children's "classics" has been compiled. It is impossible to keep these favorites fresh and prohibitive to reorder, when there are so many new children's books published every year and a limited budget to spend on them.
The list is available at the Children's Library desk and at Litchfield Books where Tom's wife, Vickie Crafton, will be happy to order them, include a nameplate and then donate them on your behalf to the Waccamaw Library. For more information, give Vickie a call at 843.237.8138 or speak with Amy at the library, 843.545.3623.
Thursday, Dec. 1 10 AM-Noon - First Thursdays Speaker Series at Waccamaw Library. Sponsored by FOWL, John Kenny, administrative coordinator of Georgetown Innovation Center, presents the history and deep roots of "Georgetown's Lebanese Community," sharing highlights of extensive research he has done for a volume he will soon publish on the subject. First Thursdays offered Jan. 5, Feb. 2, March 2, April 6 and May 4. Free, or
6-7:30 PM - Community Open House at Coastal Montessori Charter School's (CMCS) new home (111 Old Plantation Drive, Pawleys Island, SC 29585). Coastal Montessori Charter School (CMCS) invites the public into the school to see first-hand what makes a Montessori classroom unique and how this child-centered environment facilitates self-discovery. Teachers, students and staff will be on hand demonstrating Montessori materials and answering questions. This is a perfect opportunity for parents considering CMCS for elementary or middle school next year to experience education from a whole new perspective. 843.235.0413 or Thursday-Saturday, Dec. 1-3 3-10 PM - Nights of a Thousand Candles. See Brookgreen Gardens come to life amid the soft glow of more than 5,500 hand-lit candles and countless sparkling lights. Walk the paths with a warm cup of cider, hear the sounds of hand bells ringing, carolers singing, and celebrate the season with family and friends. The 80-foot-tall fir tree decorated with 70,000 lights will be lighted in ceremonial fashion at 5:45 PM every night. An outdoor glass sculpture exhibit will be on display in Anne's Garden. Created by Conway Glass, guests will see the garden beautifully decorated with new hand-blown glass flowers and trees. Also offered Dec. 8-10 and Dec. 15-18. Thurs.-Sat., 3-10 PM, November prices: Adult ($13, member; $17, general public), Child 4-12 ($8, member; $10, general public); December prices: Adult ($14, member; $18, general public), Child 4-12 ($8, member; $10, general public); All children age 3 and under are free. Purchase tickets at 1.888.713.4253 or at
8 PM - Swamp Fox Players present "Christmas at the Strand," directed by Lee Padgett. A magical journey through some of the all time great Christmas songs and hymns as well as the Christmas Story, Twas the Night Before Christmas and special guests. Also offered Dec. 8-11. $18 (reserved seat), $10 (children under 12), 843.527.2924.
Thursday-Sunday, Dec. 1-4 Times Vary - An Inlet Christmas. This will be the second annual Inlet Christmas Weekend which includes promotion of local business open houses, a Christmas Tree Lighting with Santa at Morse Park on Friday Night, the Christmas Home Tour on Saturday and our Christmas Parade on Sunday. Detail below and at
Friday, Dec. 2 2 PM - The Moveable Feast/Book Signing: Cassandra King (A Lowcountry Heart: Reflections on a Writing Life). The Feast is full but you can meet the author for a book signing at Litchfield Books, Fri., 2 PM, 843.237.8138. 5-7 PM - Murrells Inlet Christmas Tree Lighting. Come enjoy a fun family evening at Morse Park! Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus will be there checking their list and discovering what the kiddos want to find on Christmas morning. There will be Christmas music, and we will light a beautiful tree at 6 PM! You can also sip on hot chocolate as the kids make a special craft! Free to everyone and dogs welcome on a leash. Free, 843.357.2007 or Saturday, Dec. 3 9 & 10 AM - Breakfast with Santa sponsored by the Georgetown Business Association at DiAngelo's (929 Front Street), 10 AM-4 PM - Murrells Inlet Christmas Tour of Homes. This year's tour includes homes in Sterling Pointe, The Shady Oaks, Highwood, Oak Hampton, Collins Creek and The Orchard. $25 in advance, $30 day of tour, 843.357.2007 or 11 AM - Christmas Parade with lunch specials, followed by Kringle Krawl Sidewalk Sale (4-11 PM) sponsored by Georgetown Business Association. 11 AM-4 PM - Atalaya Holiday Celebration. The Friends of Huntington Beach State Park are sponsoring holiday decorated rooms, musical entertainment, baked goods and crafts, lunch catered by Murray and Mike's. Rain or shine. $3 plus park admission. 6 PM - Lighted Boat Parade line up at Georgetown Drystack at 5:30 PM; parade along the Boardwalk, 6 PM; Tree Lighting & Family Christmas Program directly after boat parade in Francis Marion Park.
Sunday, Dec. 4 2:30 PM - Swamp Fox Players present "Christmas at the Strand," directed by Lee Padgett. A magical journey through some of the all time great Christmas songs and hymns as well as the Christmas Story, Twas the Night Before Christmas and special guests. Also offered Dec. 8-11. $18 (reserved seat), $10 (children under 12), 843.527.2924. 3 PM - Murrells Inlet Annual Christmas Parade: Thousands come out to Business 17 each year to enjoy the parade. Free, 843.357.2007 or
4 PM - G. F. Handel's Messiah presented by The Elsie Pollock Festival Choir under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Pollock will be performed at The Winyah Auditorium. Free admission. Donations gratefully accepted. 4 PM - A Service of Advent Lessons and Carols at Church of the Resurrection (8901 US 17 Bypass, South Surfside Beach). A gift to the Grand Strand Community from the choirs at Resurrection. It is a service of readings from the Bible full of God's promises, coupled with prayers and choral music. The service is followed by a reception. An offering will be taken to support the Music Ministries of Resurrection. Free to attend, 843.215.4500.
Wednesday, Dec. 7 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Robert J. Sherertz (A Hero Among Millions) at Inlet Affairs. Lt Commander Jack Sherertz joined the Navy as a 90-day Wonder Ensign and began World War II on the USS Nevada on December 7, 1941. He was then transferred to PT boat Squadron 1 and to Midway Island in time for the Battle of Midway. He was reassigned to PT boat Squadron 34, shipped to England and participated in D-Day and the defense of the Channel Islands. Over the five years that he served in the Navy he lost six fellow Ensigns at Pearl Harbor, fifty other men on the USS Nevada, organized the funeral for eleven marine pilots on Midway, and ordered sixteen men to their death off the coast of Jersey Island. He had at least 83 good reasons why he never talked about the war, but finally, at the age of 91, he decided to tell his story ... to his son. Bob Sherertz, Murrells Inlet resident and Grand Strand Regional Hospital staff physician, was a committed recorder of his father's World War II experience. His medical research experience came in handy filling in the few gaps in his father's story and confirming what was said in every way possible. But mostly, as in the oral traditions of old, he listened carefully and wrote down the story for future generations. $25, 843.235.9600 or
11:30 AM - The 49th annual meeting of the Low Country Warbirds will be held at The Fish House Restaurant at Litchfield. All former and present day military aviators are welcome to attend. The social hour is followed by lunch and a presentation by Steve Peper, a Marine CH 46 and Cobra chopper pilot. The cost is $30 which includes lunch, tax, gratuity and raffle ticket. To reserve your place or for more information, contact Wyndell Peacock at 843.543.1057,; Pete Dubay at 843.779.0882,; or Paige Sawyer at 843.546.3745, Thursday, Dec. 8
1 PM - The Horry County Museum (805 Main St., Conway) will host a lecture by George Wingard, from the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program (SRARP). Wingard will discuss the discovery of an alkaline-glazed stoneware vessel created by the enslaved potter Dave of Edgefield, South Carolina and discovered/excavated by the SRARP. He will also highlight its uses assisting with public outreach and discussing the importance of history and archaeology. A viewing of the film "Discovering Dave: Spirit Captured in Clay" will take place following the lecture. For more information, 843.915.5320 or Thursday-Saturday, Dec. 8-10 3-10 PM - Nights of a Thousand Candles at Brookgreen Gardens. See Dec. 1-5 entry for details. Also offered Dec. 15-18. Advanced tickets only: adult ($14 member, $18 nonmember), child ($8 member, $10 nonmember), under 3 (free), group price for 15 guests or more, 843.235.6021 or
8 PM - Swamp Fox Players present "Christmas at the Strand," directed by Lee Padgett. A magical journey through some of the all time great Christmas songs and hymns as well as the Christmas Story, Twas the Night Before Christmas and special guests. $18 (reserved seat), $10 (children under 12), 843.527.2924.
Friday-Saturday, Dec. 9-10 FOWL Holiday Bazaar at the Waccamaw Library will include gifts, CD/DVDs, great books, and more. Hundreds of books in pristine condition for gift giving or winter reading. Tanya Ackerman, the Coastal Observer's award-winning photographer, will be signing her new book, Pawleys Island: Chasing the Light, on Friday from 4-7 PM and on Saturday, 9 AM-Noon. Fri., Noon-7 PM and Sat., 9 AM-Noon, 843.545.3387 or Friday, Dec. 9 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Marjory Wentworth (We Are Charleston: Tragedy and Triumph at Mother Emanuel) at Carefree Catering. On June 17, 2015, at 9:05 p.m., a young man with a handgun opened fire on a prayer meeting at the Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine members of the congregation. The captured shooter, twenty-one-year-old Dylan Roof, a white supremacist, was charged with their murders. Two days after the shooting, while Roof's court hearing was held on video conference, the families of his nine victims, one by one, appeared on the screen - forgiving the killer. The "Emanuel Nine" set a profound example for their families, their city, their nation, and indeed the world. Written by Herb Frazier, Bernard Edward Powers Jr., and Marjory Wentworth, We Are Charleston tells the story of a people, continually beaten down, who seem to continually triumph over the worst of adversity. The writers not only recount the events of that terrible day but also offer a history lesson that reveals a deeper look at the suffering, triumph, and even the ongoing rage of the people who formed Mother Emanuel A.M.E. church and the wider denominational movement. $25, 843.235.9600 o 1-3:30 PM - Behind the Lab Coats. What goes on behind the doors of the NERR Headquarters and USC's Baruch Marine Laboratory? Take a tour of the lab and talk to the scientists about their projects. Learn about research and monitoring programs, plus all of the education, stewardship and training programs offered. Cameras welcomed. Free; limited to 14 participants; registration required, 843.904.9016. 3 PM - The Museum Movie Classics Series continues at the Horry County Museum (805 Main St., Conway) with "White Christmas, " a musical comedy about singers Bob Wallace and Phil Davis who join sister act Betty and Judy Haynes to perform a Christmas show in rural Vermont. There, they run into Gen. Waverly the boys' commander in World War II, who, they learn, is having financial difficulties; his quaint country inn is failing. So the foursome decide to team up to help the general and save the inn. Free and open to the public. For more information, 843.915.5320 or 5-8 PM - Island Art Gallery Holiday Open House and Annual Miniature Masterpiece Show. Festive music, wine and great company with people's choice award and all paintings in the show available for sale at $150 each at the end of the evening. Free to attend, 843.314.0298, Saturday, Dec. 10 Noon-3 PM - Plantation Christmas Oyster Roast & BBQ. Bellefield Plantation and Hobcaw Barony celebrate the holidays the old-fashioned way. Hobcaw hosts a lowcountry oyster roast and BBQ feast complete with chicken bog, sides, dessert, wine and beer. Tours and interpretation of Bellefield Plantation include Southern customs and symbolism of Christmas greenery, plantation preparations of the 19th century, and the Baruch family's hunting parties of the 20th century. Bring your own chair. Space limited. Reservations required. $50 per person. 843.546.4623 or H 1-2 PM - Feeding Frenzy. Feeding time at the Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center is the most exciting time of day - for our animals at least! Help Reserve staff feed all of our hungry exhibit critters, including our North Inlet fish, crabs, turtles, snakes, and even our alligator! During the feeding, learn about the animals' biology and their natural habitats. Free; please call to register, 843.904.9016. 1:30-5:30 PM - Yuletide Tour of Homes sponsored by Friends of the Georgetown Library. Offered for touring will be eight lovely residences bedecked in their holiday finery and a beautiful house museum that will serve as a refreshment site. The tour is self-guided and maps will be provided. Enjoy celebrating the holiday season, and all proceeds fund future library programming. Tickets are $25, ($20 for any Friend of the Library), and may be purchased in advance at the Georgetown Library (405 Cleland Street) or the Waccamaw Library (41 St. Paul Place). 843.545.3303.
Sunday, Dec. 11 2:30 PM - Swamp Fox Players present "Christmas at the Strand," directed by Lee Padgett. A magical journey through some of the all time great Christmas songs and hymns as well as the Christmas Story, Twas the Night Before Christmas and special guests. $18 (reserved seat), $10 (children under 12), 843.527.2924.
Thursday-Sunday, Dec. 15-18 3-10 PM - Nights of a Thousand Candles at Brookgreen Gardens. See Dec. 1-3 entry for details. Thurs.-Sun., 3-10 PM, Advanced ticket only: adult ($14 member, $18 nonmember), child ($8 member, $10 nonmember), under 3 (free), group price for 15 guests or more, 843.235.6021 or Friday, Dec. 16 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast/Book Signing: Sharon Freeman Corey (Georgetown County's Historic Cemeteries) at Caffe Piccolo. Although the Feast is full, the author will be signing books at Litchfield Books, Fri., 2 PM, 843.237.8138.
Saturday, Dec. 17 4-6 PM - A Very Fashionable Christmas family night at Kaminski House Museum with Swamp Fox Tours Trolley, hot cocoa & cookies and activity sheets for children. $5 (adults), children under 12, free, 843.546.7706. 5:30-7:30 PM - A Very Fashionable Christmas candlelight tours at Kaminski House Museum. $10 (members), $15 (non-members), $5 (children), 843.546.7706 or
Saturday, Dec. 31 6-9 PM - New Year's Eve 'Garden by Candlelight' Pre-Party. Begin your New Year's Eve celebration at Brookgreen Gardens when the sculpture garden will open from 6-9 PM with thousands of hand-lit candles, holiday lights, and music. Light refreshments will be available for purchase. Space is limited for this special evening in the gardens and advanced tickets are required. Sat., $20 and $15 (members), 843.235.6021.
Looking Ahead! Thursday, Jan. 5 - FOWL's First Thursday presents Becky Billingsley on "Wicked Myrtle Beach" at the Waccamaw Library at 10 AM. Free and open to the public. Details at Thursday, Jan. 5 - 2017 Tea & Poetry presents the collaborators (photographer, poets, editors, publisher) of "Brookgreen Gardens: Nights of a Thousand Candles" at the Waccamaw Library at 3 PM. Free and open to the public. Details at Save the dates: Jan. 27-29 and Feb. 3-4, 2017. The 13th Annual French Film Festival at the Waccamaw Library. For film details, visit or pick up a flyer at the library. A limited number of passes for all six films ($8) can be purchased at Art Work in the Litchfield Exchange (10 AM-2 PM, Mon.-Sat.). Great stocking stuffer! Individual tickets at $3 each will be available at the library during the Festival.
Ongoing! Call to area ARTISTS, AUTHORS, MUSICIANS and PERFORMERS. Sign up to receive updates as this new group develops its website and opportunities for local artists, authors, musicians, and performers to reach potential audiences. Former SC congresswoman and award-winning area artist Vida Miller (Gray Man Gallery) has spearheaded this alliance that is already 250 members strong. (formerly Check out this updated nonprofit website, created and maintained by Murrells Inlet resident John Morken, to keep you informed about all of the cultural events on the Grand Strand. Dedicated to making it easy to know about all the Fine Arts events, it strips away pop culture and tourist attractions found in other guides. The What's Happening page has artists, performers and sponsors personally telling you what they are presenting NOW, along with ads for events. The calendar displays as a month, week, day or agenda. Each event is categorized (e.g., music, art), and you can choose to view any or all of the categories by clicking on them in the dropboxes at the top of the calendar.
Through Dec. 30 - The Franklin G. Burroughs & Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum presents Celia Pearson's "Layerings: A Glimpse of Southeast Asia." Based in photography, Pearson's works combine traditional prints with photomontages, prints on rice paper and prints on silk.
Through Jan. 1, 2017 - "Holiday Exhibits" at Brookgreen Gardens open daily and during Nights of a Thousand Candles two indoor exhibits are beautiful additions to the seasonal celebration and are included in admission. Daily, 9:30 AM-5 PM, 843.235.6000 or |  | |
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