The Friends of Waccamaw Library's bi-monthly digital newsletter aims to let you know what's happening on the Waccamaw Neck and Georgetown (farther afield if it's library-related). This e-communication supplements the hard copy newsletter mailed quarterly and is sent to all Friends (whose e-dresses we have) and to all who ask to be added to the Constant Contact list.
In addition to the programming developed by the library system and the Friends (in red), we will cover other opportunities for quality experiences, education and entertainment. The information is organized by date, so scroll down to the date you are seeking. If you are part of a group or organization with news to share, we welcome your announcement. Keep it short; just the facts. We cannot reproduce an elaborate pdf with graphics and photos. The key information needed includes: Title of event, Where held, When (date and time), BRIEF description, Benefit for (if applicable), Cost (if any), Contact (phone and email), Website (for more information). To be added to the e-mail list or to submit an announcement, please send your information directly to the e-newsletter editor Linda Ketron at:
| Kids & Families at Waccamaw Library - all programs free. - Manners Club is held the first Saturday each month, providing basic etiquette and manners training in a fun and exciting environment for children 4-10 years old. Contact Connie Graham (Ms. Manners) at
- Game on! We play a wide variety of family friendly board and card games at every branch, and always have a great time. Waccamaw Game Night, Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30 PM, free,
- Art with the Myrtle Beach Art Museum. Ages 7 and up, 1st Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- Canine Angels. Reading has gone to the dogs! Check out this link to see the benefits to children of reading to attentive pooches: All ages, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- LEGO Free Build. All ages, Fridays after school.
- Minecraft Club. Come share the worlds you've created! All ages, Fridays after school.
- Summer Reading at all four library branches (Georgetown, Waccamaw, Andrews and Carvers Bay). Enrich your child's summer with great storytelling, performances, science experiments, crafts, parties and more! Program begins week of June 8, sign up with
Adults at Waccamaw Library - most programs are free, although some require membership. Contact - Tidelands Camera Club meets on the first Monday each month, 9:30-11 AM. Membership required.
- Technology Club meets on the second Monday each month at 9:30 AM to discuss advances.
- Waccamaw Genealogy Club meets on the third Monday each month, 9-11:30 AM.
- Carolina Nature Photography meets on the third Monday each month, 6:30-9 PM.
- Knitting Group meets Mondays, 1-3 PM to knit and crochet with company and share patterns and techniques. Contact Carol Davison at
- Mah Jongg Club meets Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, bring your set and current card.
- New! iPad Club meets on the first Friday each month, 9-10 AM.
- New! Mac Club meet on the first Friday each month, 10-11 AM.
May-June Artist at the Waccamaw Library: Jane Woodward. The imagination, talent and skill of this local artist, who evokes the special beauty of our South Carolina Lowcountry with superb ability on canvases in oils and acrylics, blooms on the library walls. During more than 30 years, this accomplished painter has helped many, from students to discerning collectors, to see the loveliness of our surroundings anew. Titles like "Light of the Atlantic," "Wisteria in the Arches," "The Perfect Garden," and "Morning Fishing" evoke clearly and wonderfully the Murrells Inlet setting that she now calls home. Mainly self-taught, Jane Woodward has taken many workshops offered in South Carolina, as well as in Italy. She also shares her ability with others, demonstrating techniques on painting skies and clouds to the Seacoast Artists Guild. She has taught for several years in Coastal Carolina's OLLI program at its Litchfield center, and she has expanded her classroom opportunities to Georgetown since last June. She exhibits at Art Works in the Litchfield Exchange and Island Art Gallery in Pawleys Island, where she is a part owner. For more information, May Photographer at the Waccamaw Library: Carmen Daughtry. Viewers will delight in images ranging from spectacular coastal sunsets, to colorful flowers and gardens, to roaring South American waterfalls, to quaint barns of the rural United States, to rugged western terrain and many other evocative landscape depictions. This award-winning photographer, hailing originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, specializes particularly in broad natural vistas, but she also relishes capturing and sharing views of picturesque human artifacts from across the world. Keen observers will note that the artist signs her photographs as Maria del Carmen to honor the name given to her by her parents. She combines her love of travel with her passion for photography and currently serves as President of the Coastal Carolina Camera Club in Shallotte, NC, near her residence in the community of Calabash. She is also a member of the Photographic Society of America, the Carolina Nature Photographers Association, the Seacoast Artists Guild, and the Brunswick Arts Council. Her photography can be viewed on an ongoing basis at the Seacoast Artists Guild in Myrtle Beach as well as online at her website: For more information, | Call for Artists, Artisans & Authors:
June 4 - An invitation to participate in Art Works' hosted Art & Book Fair to Raise the Roof, a benefit for re-roofing Laura Herriott's Sandy Island bed & breakfast, to be held at the Litchfield Exchange. Tables (bring your own) are $25, your donation to the fundraiser. All sales proceeds retained by the artists. Event is inside, so no weather worries! To reserve your table, call Linda at 843-235-9600 or
Sept. 24 - Artists Save the Date for the 4th Annual Seaside Palette en Plein Air which will be held Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016. It is once again the kick off event for the Pawleys Island Festival of Music and Art. This year the Seaside Palette will be a one-day event with judging and cash prizes awarded on Saturday. Please check the Pawleys Island Festival of Music and Art website ( for additional information including the application and instructions for the event.
Sunday, May 15 Sold out! Genevieve "Sister" Peterkin Birthday Party at Sister's Heaven. The purpose of this funraiser is to name the Chandler/Peterkin Room at the new Waccamaw Library, in honor and appreciation of the families' contributions to the cultural, literary, civil rights and environmental heritage of the Waccamaw Neck. Billy Baldwin, Lee Brockington, and members of the Chandler family are spending the afternoon sharing memories, stories, and poetry at Sister's Heaven (graciously opened by Beth and Bob Sherertz, stewards of Sister's former home in Murrells Inlet). Our thanks to them, to Inlet Affairs for donating delicious lowcountry refreshments, and Pawleys Island Bakery for an awesome birthday cake! If you missed this event and would like to donate to the naming fund, checks made payable to FOWL (Friends of Waccamaw Library) with "Sister" in the memo line can be mailed to PO Box 1152,Pawleys Island, SC 29585 or stop by the Friends Center at 41 St. Paul Place. 1-5 PM - Jammin' Under the Oaks music festival at Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church (113 Baskervill Drive, Pawleys Island). Live bluegrass, Indie and Americana bands will feature live music, food, vendors and activities for the whole family (weather permitting). Also offered Sept. 11. Free, find us on Facebook Jammin' Under the Oaks or contact for more information.
Monday, May 16 9 AM-1 PM - North Inlet Paddle. Join the North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Surf the Earth for a naturalist-guided tour through the creeks of North Inlet. The program includes instruction in basic kayaking, a natural history overview, and educational highlights of the North Inlet ecosystem. Wear sturdy shoes, bring water, snack, and camera/binoculars (if desired). Also offered June 14 and July 13. $50/person; weather permitting; limited to 6 participants; register at 843-904-9016 or -9017.
1-3 PM - Veteran's Awareness Series 2016 at Georgetown Library. This free series is for veterans and their family members and friends. Topics include counseling, reentry, housing, mental health, education, compensation, and employment, along with answers to your individual questions. Free, 4:30 PM - The Grand Strand Camellia Society will meet in the Waccamaw Neck Library. The major topic will be "Bees and Bee Keeping" by Tom Francis, the Bee Keeper, as well as discussion on several other important topics. Free, 843-995-4256 or Tuesday, May 17 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Martha Hall Kelly (Lilac Girls) at Sea View Inn, Pawleys Island. Although the Feast is full, debut author Kelly will be at Litchfield Books at 2 PM to meet, chat and sign her amazing first novel inspired by the life of a real World War II heroine - an incredible story of love, redemption, and terrible secrets that were hidden for decades. The lives of three women are set on a collision course when the unthinkable happens and one is sent to Ravensbrück, the notorious Nazi concentration camp for women. Their stories cross continents - from New York to Paris, Germany, and Poland - as two strive to bring justice to those whom history has forgotten. In Lilac Girls, Martha Hall Kelly has crafted a remarkable novel of unsung women and their quest for love, freedom, and second chances. It is a story that will keep readers bonded with the characters, searching for the truth, until the final pages. 843-235-9600 or Wednesday, May 18 1 PM - Gullah Program at Brookgreen Gardens. Ron Daise, Vice-president for Creative Education and Gullah descendant, will present an entertaining and informative program about the culture, food, language, and history of the Gullah Geechee people in the Wall Lowcountry Center Auditorium. Also offered May 25. Free with garden admission, 843-235-6000 or Thursday, May 19 10-11 AM - Coffee & Climate. Drop by the Pawleys Island Bakery for a cup of coffee and an engaging discussion about climate issues. Want to know more about something you heard in the news? Are there climate questions you have been wanting to ask? We will present a brief overview of a current climate issue, followed by an open discussion among our community members about what the topic means to you. Also offered June 16. Free, for more information, visit
4 PM - Information sharing meeting at the Litchfield Exchange regarding two upcoming events supporting Native Americans. The first is June 14 - the 4th annual fundraiser at Hog Heaven to help support the Waccamaw Indian tribe put on their annual pauwau. The $18 ticket includes full buffet/drink and presentations by the Waccamaw Indian Chief Harold Hatcher and Dr. Karen Y. Smith, head of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. Tickets will be available at the information sharing meeting. The second event is The Longest Walk which starts in LaJolla, Calif., and ends up in Washington, D.C to present concerns to congress. This year's focus is the tragic use of chemical recreational drugs, which are rampant in America, as well as domestic violence in America which is greatly exacerbated by the use of chemical drugs. South Carolina is usually #1 or near the top of the list for state's rankings of domestic violence. The walkers who are Native Americans, plus others who want to add solidarity to these causes, will be in Georgetown, June 19. Georgia Comfort needs volunteers to provide food and water for three meals as they sojourn to the Waccamaw Indian tribal grounds in Aynor on their way to Washington. Anyone can join with them to walk some of the way. Dennis Banks, Ojibwa tribe, the founder of the American Indian movement and one of the top leaders in Native life in America, will be there also. For more information, 6 PM - Baruch Roundtable at Hobcaw House. Bernard Baruch hosted dinners and featured guests of honor, as the Foundation does today with its roundtable evenings at Hobcaw House. Gather in the dining room for seated dinners and retire to the living room for lectures by scholars on a variety of ecological and historical subjects. Historian David Gregg Hodges brings his knowledge and love of South Carolina to the lowcountry to discuss the economics of the mid- 20th century in Georgetown County. His lecture, "The Economic Impact of the Sunset Lodge in Georgetown," explores the business that served as a landmark in the port city for 30 years, but a legend forever. Separating fact from fiction, social stigma from acquiescence, Hodges has catalogued valuable interviews with former customers, employees and officials, while researching the reasons a brothel was able to stay in business. $75, reservations required, 843-546-4623, 6-9 PM - Georgetown Business Association presents Will Ness in concert at Francis Marion Park (732 Front St.). Free, 7-8:30 PM - Coastal Poets Present Open Mic Night at Waccamaw Library. All community poets, wanna-be poets and poetry lovers are welcome to participate behind or in front of the mic, as we share our work. Also offered June 2 and June 16. Free and open to the public. For more information, contact organizers Paula Hero ( or Anita McKay (
Friday, May 20 10 AM - Natalie Daise performs "Comeyah Tales" at Waccamaw Library. The renowned performer will give two free performances, thanks to the sponsorship of the Friends of the Waccamaw Library and retired teachers of Waccamaw Elementary School. The performances are family friendly and good for all ages. Daise's first performance, titled "Comeyah Tales," will devote two and a half hours sharing stories and songs that celebrate the history and culture of South Carolina. She'll share tales ranging from the Lowcountry Hag to the Bre'r Rabbit, and "Little Sister" may make an appearance. Free and open to the public, 843-546-3623.
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Jennie Holton Fant (The Travelers' Charleston) at Carefree Catering. Although the Feast is full, the author will be at Litchfield Books at 2 PM to chat and sign her innovative collection of firsthand narratives that document the history of the South Carolina lowcountry region, specifically the Charleston area, from 1666 until the start of the Civil War. Jennie Holton Fant has compiled and edited a rich and comprehensive history as seen through the eyes of writers from outside the South. She provides a selection of unique texts that include the travelogues, travel narratives, letters, and memoirs of a diverse array of travelers who described the region over time. Further Fant has mined her material not only for validity but to identify any people her travelers encounter or events they describe. She augments her resources with detailed annotations and provides a wealth of information that enhances the significance of the texts. 843-235-9600 or 6 PM - Natalie Daise performs "Becoming Harriett Tubman" at the Waccamaw Library. The 60-minute theatrical presentation takes the audience through the development of little Araminta Ross into the heroine Harriet Tubman. Five characters, all played by Daise, share their perspective on the events that shaped Tubman. Daise, along with her husband Ron, has spent many years studying, sharing and working to preserve the Lowcountry's Gullah culture. The couple has been awarded South Carolina's prestigious Palmetto and Folk Heritage awards. The couple also starred in the Nick Jr. television series "Gullah Gullah Island." Free and open to the public, 843-546-3623.
8 PM - Swamp Fox Players' production of The Fantasticks! - the 1960's musical with lyrics by Tom Jones - opens at Georgetown's newly renovated Strand Theater. Directed by Bob Gauss, this Romeo-and-Juliet-type story (by Edmund Rostand), with terrific music and lyrics, is giving some of Georgetown's talented singers and actors a chance to have a lot of fun and show us what they can do! Also offered May 21, May 26-28, June 2-4 at 8 PM and May 29 and June 5 at 2:30 PM. $20, 843-527-2924 or StrandTheater
9:30-10:30 AM - Author's Table: Richard Lutman at Waccamaw Library. Author Richard Lutman explores his new book, Patch of Dirt, a modern Western about weather-beaten Montana cowboy Joe Oliver, who stumbles on a strange deal involving a Vietnam Vet and his much younger wife. Free, 10 AM-Noon - Coast Cool School: Earth in Bottle. Let's keep our coast cool school! New program series that gives hands-on climate education for our community. Join National Estuarine Research Reserve staff in constructing your own Earth to experiment with how increasing CO2 in the air we breathe will change our climate. $5, 843-904-9016 or -9017. 1-3:30 PM - Traditional Music at the Farm. Experience life on the "one horse family farm" in Horry County from 1900-1955. Farm staff and volunteers will demonstrate and describe how Bluegrass and traditional music and instruments evolved in the 20th century. This demonstration will feature live music with acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, slide guitar and bass. The L. W. Paul Living History Farm is located at the corner of Hwy 701 North and Harris Shortcut Road in Conway, SC. 843-365-3596 or This event is free and open to the public. Monday, May 23 1:30-3 PM - Little Bites: Dessert for the Heart and Tummy at Litchfield Education Center. Join us for dessert and socializing to celebrate the end of another wonderful OLLI year and a delightful reading. Local author Bob O'Brien will give a reading from his newest book, Little Bites. O'Brien is the owner and founder of Prose Press, so this is also your chance to meet a local publisher and make the connection to publish your own book! 843-349-6584 or 843-349-2767 to register. Tuesday, May 24 5:30-7:30 PM - Tu-Tu Party hosted by The Black River United Way and Women United (formerly the Women's Leadership Council) in honor of Girls on the Run at Winyah Auditorium (1200 Highmarket St., Georgetown). The organization was chosen as the 2016 Women United Grant Recipient who will use a $12,000 grant to start a Girls on the Run Chapter at Andrews Elementary School in September 2016. All attendees are asked to bring one Tutu and Two Friends! Why Tutus you might ask? After a 10-week session, the Girls on the Run girls compete in their semester ending race wearing tutus! You can buy your own tutu to bring to the event or order one when you purchase a ticket (by May 20th) and we will bring it to the party! Then you can write an encouraging note to pin onto the tu-tu to be given to a future racer! This event will also be our membership kickoff for the 2017 Women United Class. 843-546-6317 or Wednesday, May 25 1 PM - Gullah Program at Brookgreen Gardens. See May 18 entry for details. Free with garden admission, 843-235-6000 or Wednesday-Saturday, May 25-28 8 AM-5 PM - 49th Annual Georgetown Blue Marlin Tournament at Georgetown Landing Marina. For entry details and forms, 843-546-1776. Friday, May 27 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Mary Kay Andrews (The Weekenders) at Pawleys Plantation. Some people stay all summer long on the idyllic island of Belle Isle, North Carolina. Some people come only for the weekends-and it's something they look forward to all week long. When Riley Griggs is waiting for her husband to arrive at the ferry one Friday afternoon, she is instead served with papers informing her that her island home is being foreclosed. To make matters worse, her husband is nowhere to be found. She turns to her island friends for help and support, but each of them has their own secrets and the clock is ticking as the mystery deepens. Cocktail parties and crab boil aside, Riley must find a way to investigate the secrets of Belle Island, the husband she might not really know, and the summer that could change everything. $25, 843-235-9600 or 1-3:30 PM - Behind the Lab Coats. What goes on behind the doors of the NERR Headquarters and Baruch Marine Laboratory? Take a tour of the lab and talk to the scientists about their projects. Learn about research and monitoring programs, plus all of the education, stewardship and training programs offered. Cameras welcome, limited to 14 participants, registration required. Free, 843-904-9016 or -9017. Saturday-Monday, May 28-30 9:30 AM-5 PM - Red, White, and Blue Salute to Veterans. Brookgreen staff and volunteers will place flags throughout the gardens at patriotic sculpture and sculpture created by veterans. Printed information about these artists and their work is available at the Welcome Center. Free with garden admission, 843-235-6000 or Saturday, May 28 10 AM-12:30 PM - Breakfast with the Butterflies at Brookgreen Gardens. Take part in a colorful celebration at the Butterfly House and enjoy a delicious catered breakfast buffet and children's activities and crafts. In addition, all guests will receive a 30 minute-timed admission to Whispering Wings Butterfly House. Tickets include garden admission, breakfast, admission to Butterfly House, crafts, activities, butterfly wings (one per child) and tote bag for each family. Space is limited. Members (adult $20/child $15), general public (adult $25/child $20), includes garden admission, 843-235-6016 or 10 AM-Noon - Bike to the Boardwalk. Bike through Hobcaw Barony's forest to the National Estuarine Research Reserve's beautiful salt marsh boardwalk on North Inlet. Bike 5 miles (roundtrip) on gravel roads through Hobcaw Barony's pristine property. Upland forest habitats, wildlife, salt marsh ecology will be discussed during the trip. Bring your own bike (all terrain tires recommended), helmet, water, snack, camera/binoculars (if desired). Weather permitting, limited to 15 participants, registration required. Free, 843-904-9016 or -9017. Sunday, May 29
Tuesday, May 31 5-6 PM - Dorothea Benton Frank continues "launch day" of her new beach read - All Summer Long - at a wine & cheese soiree at Art Works in the Litchfield Exchange. Although the Moveable Feast earlier that day at the Ocean Club in Myrtle Beach is already full, Dottie will be at Litchfield Books from 3-4:30 PM to meet her fans and sign books. Following the booksigning, you may join her for a wine & cheese soiree at Art Works. This special event, featuring the ever-popular Dottie Frank, is dedicated to Pat Conroy, with book proceeds benefitting pancreatic cancer research. The fee for the cocktail party is $40 and includes the book and refreshments. 843-235-9600 or Wednesday, June 1
1-2 PM - Feeding Frenzy. Feeding time at the Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center is the most exciting time of day - for our animals at least! Help National Estuarine Research Reserve staff feed all of our hungry exhibit critters, including our North Inlet fish, crabs, turtles, alligator, and even our king snake. During the feeding, learn about the animals' biology and their natural habitats. Also offered June 25. Free, registration required, 843-904-9016 or -9017. Thursday, June 2 10 AM - First Thursdays Speaker Series at Waccamaw Library. Sponsored by FOWL, Susan Hoffer McMillan, local author, historian and archaeologist, presents exciting findings from archaeological digs both at rice plantation sites on the Brookgreen Gardens property and at the Ark manor-house-turned-tavern in Surfside Beach where she has been heading a team of dedicated volunteer researchers in ongoing efforts to unearth the hidden treasures of our historical past. Refreshments. Free, 6-9 PM - Georgetown Business Association presents The Sand Sharks in concert at Francis Marion Park (732 Front St.). Free, 7-8:30 PM - Coastal Poets Present Open Mic Night at Waccamaw Library. All community poets, wanna-be poets and poetry lovers are welcome to participate behind or in front of the mic, as we share our work. Also offered June 16. Free and open to the public. For more information, contact organizers Paula Hero ( or Anita McKay (
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Karen White (Flight Patterns) at Pawleys Plantation.The New York Times bestselling author tells the story of a woman coming home to the family she left behind - and to the woman she always wanted to be... Georgia Chambers has spent her life sifting through other people's pasts while trying to forget her own. But then her work as an expert of fine china - especially of Limoges - requires her to return to the one place she swore she'd never revisit... It's been thirteen years since Georgia left her family home on the coast of Florida, and nothing much has changed, except that there are fewer oysters and more tourists. She finds solace seeing her grandfather still toiling away in the apiary where she spent much of her childhood, but encountering her estranged mother and sister leaves her rattled. Seeing them after all this time makes Georgia realize that something has been missing - and unless she finds a way to heal these rifts, she will forever be living vicariously through other people's remnants. To embrace her own life - mistakes and all - she will have to find the courage to confront the ghosts of her past and the secrets she was forced to keep... $25, 843-235-9600 or Noon-1 PM - George Washington's 1791 Southern Tour, presented by Friends of the Kaminski House Museum (1003 Front St., Georgetown). Warren L. Bingham, acclaimed speaker and writer with a commanding grasp of Southern history, heritage and commerce, has long focused of the president's 1791 visit to Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia. Lecture $10, lunch $8. RSVP for a bag lunch, 843-546-7706 or Saturday & Sunday, June 4-5 9:30 AM-4 PM - Art Festival at Brookgreen Gardens. This two-day event provides an opportunity to talk with local and regional artists and authors. Brookgreen invites selected artists and authors to sell their works, meet with visitors and give demonstrations. Free with garden admission, 843-235-6000 or Saturday, June 4 2-5 PM - Art & Book Fair to Raise the Roof! Join local artists, artisans and authors at Art Works in the Litchfield Exchange for an afternoon fair and reception, complete with music (Pawleys Island Jazz Quartet) and refreshments. This event is a benefit to help small business owner Laura Herriott re-roof her Sandy Island bed & breakfast. Because of the cost of transporting materials and labor to the Island, the roof is estimated at a whopping $28,000. Lee Brockington has found a donor who will match $10,000, so a series of neighbor-to-neighbor fundraisers have been planned. Goodwill donations are deeply appreciated whether you can attend or not. All proceeds will be escrowed in a roofing account for Laura. Vendor fees ($25 per table). Free to look, listen, nosh and chat, 843-235-9600 or 2:30-4:30 PM - Friendfield Village. Introductory Tours pass through this African American village, once home to 100 slaves and lived in by black employees until 1952. Take an extended tour of Friendfield, traveling by bus, but being guided on foot through the cabins and the 19th century church. Hobcaw Barony has a unique chance to interpret history at the site, as gleaned from documents, photographs, oral histories and also visits from former residents. $20, reservations required, 843-546-4623 or Tuesday, June 7 1:30-4 PM - Where does it go? What happens to your trash and recycling after you walk it out to the end of your driveway for pick up? Can this be recycled? Join National Estuarine Research Reserve staff on a field trip to one of Georgetown County's landfill and recycling centers to answer these questions and more. The first step in making a difference and cleaning up your community is knowing how to do it right! Free, limited to 12 participants, registration required, 843-904-9016 or -9017.
6 PM - Georgetown County Museum (120 Broad St., Georgetown) presents Walter Hill on "The Life of a SC Patriot during the Revolutionary War." A replica of "1776" flag will be displayed during this event. $5 (non-members), free (members), 843-545-7020. Wednesday, June 8 through Aug. 5 6-9 PM - Cool Summer Evenings at Brookgreen Gardens. After a day at the beach, visit the gardens in the cool of the evening and enjoy concerts, kids programs, and dinner in the Pavilion Restaurant. Entertainment and programs are included in garden admission. Creek Cruises are $8 in addition to admission. Wed.-Fri., free with garden admission, 843-235-6000 or Thursday, June 9 6-9 PM - Georgetown Business Association presents Karaoke with Jessie Taylor at Francis Marion Park (732 Front St.). Free, Friday, June 10 9:30 AM-Noon - Hike Hobcaw Barony: Hobcaw Beach. The southern two miles of Debidue Island belongs to The Belle W. Baruch Foundation. Join us as we explore the undeveloped barrier island - bare trees, shorebirds and views of wind shear, erosion and accretion result in a lesson on beach ecology in a beautiful setting. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. $25, reservations required, 843-546-4623 or 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Amber Brock (A Fine Imitation) at Kimbel's, Wachesaw. Vera Bellington's life at the top of society in New York City in 1923 is everything she was groomed for in her youth. She has the money, the influential (if distant) husband, and the social cachet. But her pedigree and privilege can't protect her from the upheaval her relationship with a talented and handsome muralist brings. More troubling are the artist's secrets, and confronting them eventually forces Vera to make a choice similar to one she made ten years earlier, in a friendship that nearly ruined her. $25, 843-235-9600 or Friday & Saturday, June 10-11
The Strand Cinema reopens after renovation to the theater on Front Street in Georgetown with Lady in the Van - 2015 (with Maggie Smith), Room - 2015 (with Brie Larson - Best Actress Oscar winner), Taxi Tehran - 2015 (with subtitles), Trumbo - 2015 (with Bryan Cranston). Check out the website for specific times and benefits of membership at or 843-527-2924, 3#. Saturday, June 11 10 AM-Noon - Coast Cool School: Energy Exchange. Let's keep our coast cool school! New program series that gives hands-on climate education for our community. Join National Estuarine Research Reserve staff in turning sunlight into s'mores while learning about alternative sources of power and ideas for energy conservation at home. $5, registration required, 843-904-9016 or -9017. Monday, June 13 7-9:30 PM - Beach Night Life. Discover the creatures on the beach most active at night. The program will begin with a brief introduction to beach ecology and the endangered species that live there, followed by a moonlit walk on DeBordieu Beach to see the beach's 'night life'- which might even include a loggerhead sea turtle sighting! Weather permitting, limited to 14 participants, registration required. Free, 843-904-9016 or -9017. Tuesday, June 14 8:30 AM-12:30 PM - North Inlet Paddle. See May 16 entry for details. Also offered July 13. $50/person; weather permitting; limited to 6 participants; register at 843-904-9016 or -9017. 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Leila Meacham (Titans) at Pawleys Plantation. Texas in the early 1900s, its inhabitants still traveling by horseback and barely familiar with the telephone, was on the cusp of an oil boom that, unbeknownst to its residents, would spark a period of dramatic changes and economic growth. In the midst of this transformative time in Southern history, two unforgettable characters emerge and find their fates irrevocably intertwined: Samantha Gordon, the privileged heiress to the sprawling Las Tres Lomas cattle ranch near Fort Worth, and Nathan Holloway, a sweet-natured and charming farm boy from far north Texas. As changes sweep the rustic countryside, Samantha and Nathan's connection drives this narrative compulsively forward as they love, lose, and betray. In this grand yet intimate novel, Meacham once again delivers a heartfelt, big-canvas story full of surprising twists and deep emotional resonance. $25, 843-235-9600 or
Wednesday, June 15 2:30-4:30 PM - Snake Birthday Party. Our snakes are having a birthday! Come to the Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center to learn all about them and celebrate with cupcakes, juice and a take home craft. $5/child, reservations required, 843-546-4623 or Looking Ahead! Saturday, June 18 3-5 PM - CLASS Productions presents "Feeling' Groovy" - Donna & Mark Groom in concert at Kimbel Lodge. Pianist Donna Groom (lead female vocalist) and husband Mark (drummer) perform with the legendary "Skyliners" whose 1959 hit "Since I Don't Have You" made them international artists. Since 1981, the Grooms have performed with The Skyliners at concerts in major music venues across the country and Canada, including Madison Square Garden and Radio City Music Hall in New York City, and The Greek Theater in Los Angeles. As a duo, the Grooms' "Feelin' Groovy" show features hits from the 60s and 70s including favorites by Patsy Cline, Petula Clark, Dusty Springfield, The Carpenters, Carly Simon, Stevie Wonder and more. Enjoy great music live (no computer-generated tracks) - the couple's choice of material, wide range of styles, complementary rapport (after 30+ years playing together!) is a pleasure to see and hear. Visit and YouTube selections. Their recent Stevie Wonder tribute CD "Just Wonderin'..." will be available at the concert. Tickets are $25, 843-235-9600 or Ongoing! Check out this new nonprofit website, created and maintained by Murrells Inlet resident John Morken, to keep you informed about all of the cultural events on the Grand Strand. Dedicated to making it easy to know about all the Fine Arts events, it strips away pop culture and tourist attractions found in other guides. The What's Happening page has artists, performers and sponsors personally telling you what they are presenting NOW, along with ads for events. The calendar displays as a month, week, day or agenda. Each event is categorized (e.g., music, art), and you can choose to view any or all of the categories by clicking on them in the dropboxes at the top of the calendar.
Through July 24 - The Brookgreen Gardens 2014-2016 Master Sculptors exhibit featuring Jim Licaretz, Heidi Wastweet, T. D. Kelsey, Peter Rubino, Christopher Smith) in the Rainey Sculpture Pavilion. Daily, 9:30 AM-5 PM. Free with garden admission, 843-235-6000. Through Sept. 5 - Nature Connects Art. Brookgreen Gardens will host 12 larger-than-life LEGO® brick sculpture installations in its Native Wildlife Zoo. Created by Sean Kenney, renowned artist and children's author, "Nature Connects" is an award winning exhibit currently touring the country. Made from almost a half million LEGO® bricks, the sculptures bring nature to life with a 6-foot tall hummingbird hovering over a trumpet flower, a deer family made from 48,000 bricks, a giant tortoise, a 7-foot long giant dragonfly, and more. Daily, 9:30 AM-8 PM (in April), until 5 PM (May-Sept.), free with garden admission, 843-235-6000. |  | |
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