Sunday, November 1, 2020

Your FOWL newsletter is here!

What's happening on the Waccamaw Neck ~ compliments of the Friends of Waccamaw Library!

Dear Friends, 

The Georgetown County Library System continues Phase 5 of their 7-phase re-opening strategy, library hours are Monday-Friday, 10 AM-6 PM

Browsing (30 minutes in the adult and young adult and children stacks), curbside book delivery and limited access to circulation desks plus limited access to the adult computer area!
  • Patrons can receive Circulation Desk assistance, and faxing and copying services are available.
  • Thirty (30) minute sessions are available for computers in the adult computer area.
  • Patrons (including children three years of age and older) must wear a face covering if they enter the building. The Library has a limited number to give out.
  • Curbside book delivery is still available.
See the library website and Facebook page for exact working details.
  • Accepting phone calls Mon-Fri, 10 AM-6 PM: 843-545-3623
  • Free WiFi in the Library parking lot, 24/7: Password wifi123!
  • 60-day temporary cards so folks who don't already have a library card can use e-book services.
Also, Waccamaw Library is offering access to its archive of videotaped programs on the Georgetown County Library YouTube channel. These videos will be posted on Tuesdays at 10 AM under "In Case You Missed It" on the Georgetown County Library Facebook page and also on the FOWL Facebook page. This is a good opportunity to view adult programs and series that you might have missed (or want to see again) from the comfort of your home. Please "like" or comment to increase activity on the Facebook page! For virtual and online library resources, visit
Join Friends of the Waccamaw Library Facebook page for the virtual Reader's Lounge: This group brings readers together to talk all things books. Feel free to discuss your favorite books, favorite characters, current reads, and books you can't wait to read. Please be mindful of others and don't spoil the book for someone!

For accurate and up-to-date information from the "horse's mouth," about favorite venues, hosting sites, and organizations, please visit their websites:

Avian Conservation Center       
Brookgreen Gardens                  
Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum 
Chamber of Commerce, Gtn Co  
CLASS (Art Courses)                   
Coastal Carolina University       
Freewoods Farm                                          
Georgetown Business Association    
Georgetown County Museum      
Georgetown County Parks,        
   Recreation & Leisure Services       
Georgetown Library System     
Grand Strand Arts Calendar    
Hampton Plantation                   
Hobcaw Barony                         
Hopsewee Plantation                
Horry County Museum            
Huntington Beach State Park  
Kaminski House Museum         
Litchfield Books                         
The Moveable Feast                 
Murrells Inlet 2020                   
Myrtle Beach State Park          
My Sister's Books                       
North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR 
Pat Conroy Literary Center      
Pawleys Island/Litchfield           
   Business Association                     
Pawleys Island Festival of         
  Music & Art                                        2020 Season has been postponed to 2021
The Rice Museum                      
Robin McCall's Storehouse Tours 
SALT (Senior Adventures in Learning & Travel) 
                                                                New virtual learning opportunities
SC Maritime Museum               
Sewee Visitor Center                 
Strand Cinema                            
Swamp Fox Players                    
Theatre of the Republic            
Visitors Center, Gtn Co              
Friends of Waccamaw Neck Library    
Winyah Rivers Foundation        

This newsletter: The Friends of Waccamaw Library's digital newsletter (sent on the first and 15th of each month) aims to let you know what's happening on the Waccamaw Neck and Georgetown (farther afield if it's library-related). This e-communication is sent to all Friends (whose e-dresses we have) and to all who ask to be added to the e-list.

In addition to the programming developed by the library system and the Friends (in red), we will cover other opportunities for quality experiences, education and entertainment. The information is organized by date, so scroll down to the date you are seeking. If you are part of a group or organization with news to share, we welcome your announcement. Keep it short; just the facts. We cannot reproduce an elaborate pdf with graphics and photos. The key information needed includes: Title of event, Where held, When (date and time), BRIEF description, Benefit for (if applicable), Cost (if any), Contact (phone and email), Website (for more information).
To be added to the e-mail list or to submit an announcement, please send your information directly to the e-newsletter editor Linda Ketron at:
Kids & Families at Waccamaw Library 
Outstanding virtual programs for kids and families have been developed for Waccamaw and Georgetown libraries. For more information, visit:

Adult Programs
For prior programs presented by FOWL at the Waccamaw Library (First Thursdays) and by FOGL at the Georgetown Library (Tuesdays with ...),
check out our YouTube listings at
If you missed any of the DigiBridge presentations, all ten are available for viewing on the Georgetown County Library YouTube page:
Please note: Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can still go to the Library Facebook page and watch the presentations live.

Missing your Friends Center bargain books and fabulous seasonal gifts?! FOWL has solutions! First: The 50-cent paperback cart and the bargain book cart have been brought out in front of the still-locked-down Friends Center. Second: Though the Friends Center is not open for browsing, a number of devoted volunteers have arranged to staff the pick-up site at the library during specific hours. Visit our online store, select from among the many gently used, cleaned, and so reasonably priced books and/or the great gifts available, pay securely with your credit card, and you will be notified when your items will be available for pick-up during specific hours at the library. Third: The famous book towers, now themed and including a gift or gift certificate worth at least $25, are available for only $30!! Fourth: Colorful and Crafty Sea Critters Mobile Kits were the hit of the Summer Reading Program and you can now buy the kits at the Friends Center Online Book Store and Gift Shop!  Each kit contains all of the creatures, waves, string, paint, and glitter you need to create your very own Sea Critters Mobile. Made of laser-cut wood and crafted here at the Library, this well-designed kit is durable and easy to put together It's an ideal project for a rainy day - or a Thanksgiving weekend with the grandchildren! The kit costs $20. After you pay securely online, you can pick up your mobile kit two days later at the Library, Monday-Friday from 10 AM-2 PM. Here's your Friends Center shopping site: 

Check out the routinely re-stocked shelves of "Bargain Books to Benefit FOWL" at the Litchfield Exchange (14363 Ocean Highway behind Applewood House of Pancakes). Browse through organized hardcovers ($1) and paperbacks (50 cents) and find recent releases and older treasures you always meant to read. Your donations can be placed in the envelopes provided and slipped under the door of Art Works (if no one is on duty). The traditional FOWL Annual Book Sale in July and the Holiday Book Sale have both been cancelled as the Friends - volunteers all - do not feel it can be safely organized and delivered. We will let you know if and when a book sale can go forward; meanwhile, many of the "best" recycled books are being shelved by Berni and Chuck Bader at the Litchfield Exchange.

PILBA announced its Call To Entry for Wreaths for their 3rd Annual Festival of Wreaths, Nov. 18-20, 2020 to benefit Smith Medical Clinic.
Area artists, designers and businesses are being asked to create and donate wreaths to be auctioned starting Nov. 18 online, and at the Live Auction at the Wreath Fest Party on the evening of Friday, Nov. 20. Admission to the Wreath Fest is free to PILBA Members and wreath donors. Tickets are $20 in advance and at the door. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining this ZOOM event who is not already a member of PILBA, please encourage them to join! Its FREE for the rest of this year. Have them log onto our website and use PROMO CODE: Join2020.

Get Your Art On with the Myrtle Beach Art Museum's 
Glaze handmade pottery at your own pace & space. Pick up a kit from the Museum's Pottery Studio on one of the designated dates below. Each kit includes: handmade pottery of your choice (many new holiday-themed pieces, prices range from $10-$80), glaze, paint brushes, instructions and an online tutorial on how to glaze. Bring your work back on one of the designated drop-ff dates, and pottery studio manager Natalie von Loewenfeldt will fire it for you!
  • Pottery/Kit pick-up - Nov. 4 (3-5 PM) and Nov. 7 (2-4 PM)
  • Glaze Pottery drop-off - Nov. 11 (3-5 PM) and Nov. 14 (2-4 PM)
  • Final Pottery pick-up - Dec. 2 (3-5 PM) and Dec. 5 (2-4 PM)
Great for all ages, home schoolers, family projects, a personal alternative to online shopping! For more information, call Natalie at 843.238.2510 or visit

Wednesday, Nov. 4
10-11:30 AM - Georgetown County Library System (GCLS) offers "Before We Wrote, We Spoke: Vocal ways to recall oral traditions," a new online learning experience led by award-winning Plantersville poet Marlanda Dekine-Sapient Soul. Conducted online with the video-conferencing program BlueJeans, the program is free and open to the public. However, space in the workshop is limited in order to give proper attention to all participants. To register, please contact Dr. Dan Turner at 843-545-3363 or

1 PM - Brookgreen Gardens presents "Gullah Geechee Salone-Mania" at the Lowcountry Center Auditorium. The 50-minute interactive program Entertaining and educational, this interactive, cultural game show informs viewers about the rice culture lived and passed down by Gullah Geechee people of the southeastern coastal United States and its connections with Salone (Sierra Leone, West Africa). Each guest becomes a "contestant" who will answer questions about Gullah Geechee people, songs, history, culture, foods, and trivia. Also offered Nov. 11. Free with garden admission, however there is limited seating and reservations ARE required, 843.235.6049.

Thursday, Nov. 5
10 AM - FOWL First Thursday presents "The Bohemian South" with 
Shawn Bingham, Ph.D., coeditor of The Bohemian South: Creating Countercultures from Poe to Punk (UNC Press, 2017), about various ways, past and present, that the American South has served as an epicenter for progress, innovation, and experimentation. From the southern influence on nineteenth-century New York to the 1990s Athens, GA music scene, to cutting-edge cuisines of millennial Asheville, NC, the bohemian South has long challenged traditional views of the region as a cultural backwater. Dr. Bingham is Director of the Honors Scholars College and Associate Dean at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. To view the presentation live, go to the Georgetown County Library Facebook page at the scheduled date and time:  You do not have to have a Facebook account to watch the presentations on the Georgetown County Library Facebook page. If you miss a presentation on Facebook Live, all First Thursday presentations will also be made available for viewing afterwards on the Georgetown County Library YouTube page:

Friday, Nov. 6
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Virginia Brock (When the South Wind Blows) at Inlet Affairs. Based on a Pawleys Island legend that tells the story of a restless spirit and the dangerous times he lived in, Brock's historical novel is also about the love of a man for the South Land and a woman that no battle of the Civil War could conquer, no storm could dampen as he rode through the swamps of South Carolina to make it home to her on the shores of Pawleys Island. Riding through the night, ferocious winds and high waters, he emerges on the shores of Georgetown County at dawn to face the most dangerous passage of all. The crossing of Winyah Bay, the Land between the Waters and a waterway named No Man's Friend Creek that will put him on a new path through a new dimension - finally to reach his beloved Katie Rose.  $30, 843.235.9600 or

Saturday, Nov. 7
10 AM-5 PM - Paint-in with Danny McLaughlin at the Litchfield Exchange. Join this day-long opportunity to paint with one of the region's finest. Bring finished/unfinished works in any medium, any subject matter, any skill level for review, suggestions and instruction in color theory and composition by one of the area's local art treasures. Offered alternate weeks, space is limited.Tables and chairs provided and spaced for safety; bring art supplies, face mask, and easel, if needed.  Also offered Nov. 21, Dec. 5 & 19.  $50, 843.235.9600 or 

5:30-8:30 PM - Brookgreen Gardens' Brew at the Zoo is always a
favorite fall event. This year the event will be held in Bruce Munro's expansive work of art, The Field of Light. The Paul Grimshaw Band will be performing! Three food trucks will be on site for our guests to choose from: Austin's Garden Galley, EZ Cheezy Food Truck and The Fish Shak.  
All Brookgreen events are fundraisers so tickets are non-refundable; unused tickets will be considered a donation to Brookgreen Gardens. This event is only open to those aged 21 and over. Tickets are $40 for members, $45 for the general public, and $20 for guests designated as drivers. One ticket is required for every person. Space is limited.
Rain date is Sunday, Nov. 8. 843.235.6000 or

Wednesday, Nov. 11
1 PM - Brookgreen Gardens presents "Gullah Geechee Salone-Mania" at the Lowcountry Center Auditorium. See Nov. 4 entry for details. Free with garden admission, however there is limited seating and reservations ARE required, 843.235.6049.

Friday, Nov. 13
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Beach/Ketron/Malarich/McMillan/
Moore/Salmon (Sandy Island ... forever) at Pawleys Plantation.
Join the team of essayists, photographers, artists and editors to celebrate the completion of a three-year project to capture in words and images the world of Sandy Island, one of America's largest, undeveloped islands. Our intent is to provide a satisfying armchair appreciation of what has been preserved and why it matters. Sample the rich history of Sandy Island with Susan Hoffer McMillan, the Huntington/Brookgreen Garden connection to the island with Robin R. Salmon, the people of Sandy Island with Vennie Deas Moore, how the efforts of multiple individuals and agencies guaranteed the conservation of the island with Virginia and Dana Beach, and a natural history tour of Sandy Island with Linda Ketron and Anne Malarich. PLUS, a modified version of Litchfield Books Holiday Book Review, complete with the staff recommendations for great book gift-giving and free advance readers for those attending! $30, 843.235.9600 or 

Monday, Nov. 16
10 AM - 18th Annual Georgetown County Chamber Golf Classic at Wachesaw Plantation Club in Murrells Inlet, presented by The Lakes at Litchfield. Prizes awarded to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and last place teams as well as other individual skill awards. Red tee and mulligan add-ons are available for purchase upon registration. Team of four $700; individuals, $500. 843.546.8436, or

Noon-1 PM - Dirt N' Details presents "The Beauty and Variety of Camellias." Come learn from the experts! Susan Walker and Mack McKinnon will tell you how to best take care of the camellias in your yard. Free with garden admission but reservations are required, 843.979.6083.

Wednesday, Nov. 18
10 AM - Brookgreen Gardens presents "Mythology in the Garden" with Viki Richardson. Come and enjoy a garden stroll with Brookgreen Gardens Coordinator for Outreach and Programs, and learn the stories behind the mythological sculptures in the gardens. Free with garden admission but reservations must be made as size is limited, 843.979.6083.

Friday, Nov. 20
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Mike Lassiter (Our Vanishing Americana: A South Carolina Portrait) at Kimbel's, Wachesaw. A decade after his hugely successful "North Carolina Portrait," Lassiter debuts his companion work on its sister state to the south. Traveling backroads and bypassed communities in each of SC's 46 counties, he has captured the world of our grandparents, our parents and, for some of us, our youth. Get a preview of Lassiter's future SCETV special on the disappearing general stores, hardware stores, barber shops, groceries and other family-owned businesses. Plus, more Holiday Book Review give-aways from Litchfield Books! $30, 843.235.9600 or  

Saturday, Nov. 21
10 AM-3 PM - Art Works & CLASS Publishing host a Holiday Art & Book Fair in the Litchfield Exchange (14363 Ocean Hwy, behind Applewood House of Pancakes). Join Art Works' artists (Nancy Bracken, Danny McLaughlin, Sharon Sorrels), CLASS Publishing's authors (Tanya Ackerman, Tracy Bailey, Marc Davison, Carl DiLorenzo, Liz Gallo, Mike Lassiter, Mac McAlister, Susan Hoffer McMillan & Anne Malarich), as well as other creative spirits from the area, for a pre-holiday sale of books and artwork created locally. If ever there was a need for you to SHOP SMALL, SHOP LOCAL, this is it! With any purchase, you may take home a great gift copy of Billy Baldwin & Bud Hill's coffee table book, Carolina Rambling, a $30 value for only $10! Terrific raffle prizes and auction items. Proceeds to assist the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge with the maintenance of service vehicles on Sandy Island. CDC-approved refreshments (individually packaged), plus holiday music provided by Mission Control, and terrific art and book bargains! Free to attend, 843.235.9600 or

Nov. 21-Feb. 20
During open hours. Brookgreen Gardens' special exhibit "Rosie Sandifer: A Life in Paintings and Sculpture" in the Jennewein Gallery of the Rainey Pavilion. A collection of oil paintings and bronze sculptures will showcase the career to date of Rosie Sandifer, an award-winning Fellow of the National Sculpture Society, Portrait Society of America, American Artists Professional League and Plein Air Painters of America. From maquettes of monuments to sculptures of all sizes depicting the joys of childhood, the three-dimensional aspect of the exhibit will amaze and awe visitors. The paintings range from landscapes - mostly plein-air, but also studio works - portraits, vignettes of people in everyday activities and Western-themed subjects. Free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or 

Friday-Saturday, Nov. 27-29
4-9 PM - Brookgreen Gardens' Nights of a Thousand Candles. See Brookgreen Gardens come to life amid the soft glow of more than 2,700 hand-lit candles and countless sparkling lights.  Walk the garden pathways with a warm cup of cider, cocoa, or wine. Hear the sounds of holiday music, carolers singing, and celebrate the season with family and friends!
We have added 12 additional nights to our annual event for safety, social distancing, and crowd control. We will have half the amount of tickets available each night compared to previous years. Named "Best Christmas Lights in South Carolina" by Travel+Leisure Magazine. Winner of the 2018 Charles A. Bundy award for excellence in tourism from South Carolina Parks Recreation and Tourism. Also offered Wednesdays-Sundays, Dec. 2-6, Dec. 9-13, Dec. 16-20, and Saturday-Thursday, Dec. 26-31. Tickets must be purchased BEFORE your arrival! Space is limited.  Members Adult $20; Child $12. Non-members Adult $25; Child $15. Special Rates available for groups of 15 or more arriving together. Tickets are non-refundable but can be exchanged (if un-scanned) at

Friday, Dec. 4
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Tanya Ackerman (Pawleys Island: Seasons of Light) at Ocean One. The long-awaited sequel to award-winning photojournalist Ackerman's pictorial celebration of Pawleys Island (Chasing the Light) is here. The unique beauty of "the Blessed Isle" through the four seasons arrives just in time for holiday gift-giving or self-treating. With thousands of followers on her daily Facebook postings of new images of the beach, the creek and the river, Tanya's reputation for dramatic "painterly" photography is rivaled only by her reputation for seeing (and sharing) the humor in nature. After taking home the coveted South Carolina Press Association's "Photojournalist of the Year" for all weekly newspapers four years (including 2019), she was named all around "Best of the Best" by SCPA for 2019! $30, 843.235.9600 or  

Renew Your FOWL Membership Online: Being a FOWL Member is so easy! You can now renew your membership on the FOWL website at Just click on "Join Us"  at the top of the page and fill in your information. With this new online process, renewal is faster and easier than ever. Your information is accurate and instantly accessible - plus you can renew your membership from home, any time day or night!  For those who prefer human interaction, you can still come in to the Friends Center in the Waccamaw Library and let one of our wonderful volunteers renew your membership for you.  Either way, we're so glad you are a FOWL Member, with all the benefits this entails, including Members Only events, Friends' Night at the Annual Book Sale, and numerous Volunteer opportunities - all in support of the Waccamaw Neck Branch Library.
FOWL Community Book Donations: Friends of Waccamaw Library  volunteers receive the donated books, categorize them, and deliver to them to a number of literacy-based and social-service nonprofits in the Waccamaw Neck Community.
Recent book recipients have been Freedom Readers, DSS offices, Friends of Arnett AME foster children, Waccamaw Recreation Center, and Habitat Restore. You can help us make a difference in our community by cleaning out your shelves of children's books and donating them to FOWL for this worthy cause.

Through Nov. 7 - The Rice Museum (633 Front St., Georgetown) presents the Waccamaw Neck Arts Alliance Show through Nov. 7. Meet the Artists  will be scheduled through the run of the exhibit. Tues.-Sat., Noon-4 PM, free admission, or

Through Nov. 26 - The "Gratitude" fabric arts exhibit by Cookie Washington of Goose Creek, SC, will be in the Lowcountry Center Auditorium, and can be viewed by only 10 guests at a time. It will showcase creations from throughout her career that exemplify the power and resilience of the human spirit.  Her project themes have included African American history, spirituality, portraits, and music. The exhibits may only be viewed by visitors wearing facial coverings, and they will be provided. Daily, Noon-4:30 PM, free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or

Through December - Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum offers several new exhibits free and open to the public (with pandemic precautions observed), Tuesday-Saturdays, 10 AM-4 PM, 843.238.2510,
Persistence is an exhibition of over 60 commemorative medals in recognition of women who have challenged societal perceptions and worked to improve conditions for all. According to Hewitt, a senior art instructor at the University of South Carolina, "They are intended to familiarize and instruct, lest we forget the women that forged a path to give us voice today." Through Dec. 6.
From artist and educator Maura Kenny | Where the Rivers Flow is an exhibition of 35 watermedia paintings depicting the views, flora, fauna, people and architecture found along the great Pee Dee and Waccamaw Rivers, including their bays, creeks, inlets and islands. Her works range from sweeping views of the inlet at low tide or quiet, wildlife impressions of alligators resting in the marsh to majestic architectural renderings of historic buildings. Autographed copies of Sandy Island ... forever, featuring several of these paintings, are available in the Museum giftshop. Through Dec. 20.
Model Home is a modular, site-responsive sculptural installation of staged domestic spaces. Farrington, an artist/educator and Myrtle Beach native who now lives and works in the Raleigh, NC area, describes her work as a metaphor for the American ideal or dream: the commodity of a perfect domestic space marketed specifically for status, but an unattainable goal for most. Through Dec. 20.
Jim Creal | The South Carolina Coastal Lithograph Project. A native of Spartanburg, SC, who was educated in geology as well as in the fine arts, Creal uses the medium of traditional stone lithography to capture "the mood, spirit and rich diversity of South Carolina's coastal habitats and some of their extraordinary indigenous creatures." As Creal notes ominously, "What is here today may not be there for future generations to enjoy." Through Dec. 20.

Robin McCall's Storehouse Tours offers a series of day trips this fall, including:
Nov. 5 - Charleston Carriage Ride and Charleston Market
Nov. 12 - Southport, N.C. and Fort Fisher Aquarium
Dec. 3 - Rosewood Manor
Dec. 15 - Mepkin Abbey Creche Festival

plus visit our nation's capitol during the holiday season (Dec. 6-9). For more information, visit or 843.235.2966 or 

Cultural events on the Grand Strand - Check out this updated nonprofit website:, created and maintained by Murrells Inlet resident John Morken, is a complete calendar and guide to the fine arts from Calabash to Conway to Georgetown.  There are more than 700 events and 50 interviews per year.  The calendar displays as a month, week, day or agenda. Each event is categorized (e.g., music, art), and you can choose to view any or all of the categories by clicking on them in the dropboxes at the top of the calendar. For health reasons, John is seeking a dedicated person or group to take the reins of this valuable website and continue to provide timely information about the quality cultural offerings along the Grand Strand. He estimates the time commitment at 3-5 hours per week. If you are interested, please contact him at

FOWL Community Connector | Friends of Waccamaw Library| | |