FOWL Community Connector April 15, 2018 | | The Friends of Waccamaw Library's bi-monthly digital newsletter aims to let you know what's happening on the Waccamaw Neck and Georgetown (farther afield if it's library-related). This e-communication supplements the hard copy newsletter mailed quarterly and is sent to all Friends (whose e-dresses we have) and to all who ask to be added to the Constant Contact list.
In addition to the programming developed by the library system and the Friends (in red), we will cover other opportunities for quality experiences, education and entertainment. The information is organized by date, so scroll down to the date you are seeking. If you are part of a group or organization with news to share, we welcome your announcement. Keep it short; just the facts. We cannot reproduce an elaborate pdf with graphics and photos. The key information needed includes: Title of event, Where held, When (date and time), BRIEF description, Benefit for (if applicable), Cost (if any), Contact (phone and email), Website (for more information). To be added to the e-mail list or to submit an announcement, please send your information directly to the e-newsletter editor Linda Ketron at: | Kids & Families at Waccamaw Library - all programs free. Game on! We play a wide variety of family friendly board and card games and always have a great time. Free, - Mondays - Open Gaming & Cooperative game day, ages 10+, 3-6 PM.
- Tuesdays - Open Gaming & Tabletop, ages 10+, 3-6 PM.
- Wednesdays - Open Gaming & Magic the Gathering Day, ages 10+, 3-6 PM.
- Open Gaming & Art Day, 10+, 3-6 PM.
- Fridays - Minecraft Friday, all ages (under 10 accompanied by adult), 2:30-5 PM.
- Saturdays - Open Gaming, 10+, 11 AM-5 PM. First Saturday each month - Magic the Gathering Draft and competition; Last Saturday each month - Library Game Days, 11 AM-1 PM focus on games for children and families; 1 PM on focus on games for teens and adults.
PLUS, - Storytime! Every Wednesday, 10:30 AM. Ages birth to 5.
- Art with the Myrtle Beach Art Museum. Ages 7 and up, 1st Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- Canine Angels. Reading has gone to the dogs! Check out this link to see the benefits to children of reading to attentive pooches: All ages, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
- Manners Club is held the first Saturday each month, providing basic etiquette and manners training in a fun and exciting environment for children 4-10 years old. Contact Connie Graham (Ms. Manners) at
Adults at Waccamaw Library - most programs are free, although some require membership. Contact - Tidelands Camera Club meets on the first Monday each month, 9-11 AM.
- Waccamaw Genealogy Club meets on the third Monday each month, 9-11:30 AM.
- Knitting Group meets Mondays, 1-3 PM to knit and crochet with company and share patterns and techniques. Contact Carol Davison at
- Low Country Herb Society meets at 9:30 AM on the second Tuesday each month through May 8. Annual dues are $25,
- Mah Jongg Club meets Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, bring your set and current card.
- A Course in Miracles meets Tuesdays, 6:30-8 PM, facilitated by Marc Breines, 704.309.2415.
- Toastmasters meets noon-1 PM on the second and fourth Thursday each month (April 26, May 10). Improve communication skills, increase self-confidence, think on your feet, give a great "elevator" speech, share stories. Free and open to the public, or
April Artist at the Waccamaw Library: Sharon Turner. Sharon Turner, a native of Georgetown, grew up loving the colors and beauty of her Southern heritage and pulls on these resources for her paintings. Primarily a watercolor artist, a turning point for her art career occurred when she won an award for and sold a painting. The realization that her work had merit that others appreciated motivated Sharon. Her children were grown and her parents gone; so, her study of drawing, painting, and art history became a joyful daily routine. She has since won numerous awards for her work. Straight from the creek, this series of fish 'prints' hatched one day when Joey, Sharon's avid fisherman husband, shared a redfish with her and suggested she 'play' with it. Experimenting with different papers, paints and collage techniques, these painting are fresh, fun and have a very local flavor. For more information, April Photographer at the Waccamaw Library: David Fattaleh. Having come from a family-owned photofinishing business, David Fattaleh has been in photography most of his life. He started his career as a wedding, portrait, and school photographer. His career expanded when he was hired as the Photography Manager for the West Virginia Division of Tourism. There he had the privilege of photographing beautiful landscapes, wildlife, natural wonders, state parks, and historical areas of West Virginia. He was also included as part of the photographic team for the Governor's Office. As a freelance photographer, his clientele included hospitals, local businesses, national and local magazine publishers, industrial and commercial photography. David's work has been shown in many publications, such as; Time-Life Books, Newsweek, National Geographic Adventure, Louisville Magazine, Huntington Quarterly Magazine, Marshall Magazine, Wonderful West Virginia Magazine, and others throughout the US and abroad. David has taught photography classes and workshops at West Virginia state parks and at the Huntington Museum of Art. He has conducted presentations at local high schools, photography clubs, city and state conventions, and business luncheons. He retired from his WV career in 2009, and now resides in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. David is a member of the Carolina Nature Photographers Association (CNPA) and the Tidelands Photography Club. For more information, | CALENDAR OF COMMUNITY EVENTS FOWL wishes to thank Steele Bremner for the past few years of outstanding programming for the Waccamaw Library. With her deep cultural connections throughout the region, she brought a wealth of diverse and exciting people and programs to the new library, attracting members and supporters through these enhancement to the community. Thank you, Steele! Through April 30 9:30 AM-7 PM - Brookgreen Gardens "Open Late Till 7." After a day on the golf course or on the beach, see the beauty of Brookgreen's spring flowers when the gardens remain open. Gift shop and food service are available. Ride with an interpreter on a Graveyard Trekker Excursion and explore some of the cemeteries on the 9,000 acre property of Brookgreen. The excursions are available on Sun., Tues. and Thurs. at 5:30 PM and cost $15 per person in addition to garden admission. Daily, 843.235.6000 or Tuesday, April 17 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Selden (Bud) Hill & William (Billy) Baldwin (Carolina Rambling: A Visual and Poetical Tour) at Kimbel's, Wachesaw. This is CLASS Publishing's 12th publication and the third collaboration of Baldwin (co-author with Genevieve "Sister" Peterkin of the beloved memoir, Heaven is a Beautiful Place) and Hill (founding director of the Village Museum in McClellanville). In the tradition of The Unpainted South and These Our Offerings, Carolina Rambling shares a touching elegiac look at the Lowcountry's holy places - from abandoned homes, disintegrating barns, tiny churches and forlorn cemeteries to the shrinking livelihoods of farms, cotton and shrimp. Word and image pictures of small town, rural South will fill your heart with joy and longing. The complementarity of Bud's photographs and Billy's poems is a match made in heaven. $30, 843.235.9600 or
10 AM - "Tuesdays With..." program sponsored by the Friends of the Georgetown Library presents Wendy Allen, manager of the North Inlet- Winyah Bay National Estuarine Reserve, talking about the sweeping programs and technology that are helping to monitor the flora, fauna and flow of this vital watershed, the third largest on the Eastern Coast of the US. Free and open to the public,
1:30-3:30 PM - Friendfield Village Tour at Hobcaw Barony. Daily Introductory Tours pass through this African American village, once home to 100 slaves and lived in by black employees until 1952. Consider joining this in-depth tour for a more comprehensive exploration of Friendfield, traveling by bus, but being guided on foot through the cabins and the 19th century church. Hobcaw Barony has a unique chance to interpret history at the site, as gleaned from documents, photographs, oral histories and visits from former residents. (Exertion level: Moderate impact, bus ride, some walking, standing for long periods) Reservations required. $20, 4:30 PM - The Grand Strand Camellia Society will meet at the Wacamaw Neck Library for demonstrations on "Airlayering a Camellia Plant."This way you can airlayer some plants this spring and expect some flowers the next blooming season. Bring any one gallon pots you've saved from this spring's plantings for Mack. We have plenty of grafting stock for next year to re-pot from three inch pots. Free and open to the public,
Wednesday, April 18 1:30-4 PM - Hike Hobcaw: Clambank. This 4-mile hike along the edge of Hobcaw Barony's 5,000-acre salt marsh, allows participants the opportunity to study the history and ecology of one of the best understood estuaries in the world. The group will meet at Hobcaw Barony Discovery Center and travel down Crab Hall Road and explore Clambank Landing on Goat Island as well as the observation tower. (Exertion level: High impact, hiking and standing for long periods) Reservations required. $30,
Thursday, April 19 1:30-4:30 PM - Behind the Scenes Tour at Hobcaw Barony. Join us on an expanded tour of Hobcaw Barony for opportunities to see and experience more than what is offered on the daily Introductory Tour. With stops at the North Inlet salt marsh, the grounds of Bellefield Plantation, Friendfield Village, and the main floor of Hobcaw House, participants have a chance to spend more time at each location than offered on the daily tour. (Exertion level: Moderate impact, bus ride, some walking, standing for long periods) Also offered April 26. Reservations required. $30,
2 PM - Final Artist-Led Tour of "The Kings Highway" at Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum. Coastal Carolina University professor Steven Bleicher deals with the theme of Americana and the open road in his art. It is about being on the move. Bleicher's photorealistic graphite renderings are developed from site sketches and photographs, which are evocative of the sense of place and of the local industry. The drawings are combined with maps, a metaphor for the journey, and found objects from the area to form a complex layering of narrative imagery within a discreet, unified space. Exhibit open through April 22. Free and open to the public, 843.238.2510 or
5:30-6:30 PM - Salsa Lessons! In preparation for our annual Friends of Brookgreen fundraiser join us on for complimentary salsa lessons outside of the Rainey Sculpture Pavilion. No reservations necessary. Also offered April 26. Free with garden admission, 843.235.6000. Friday, April 20 9-11:30 AM - Carolina Nature Photographers Association (CNPA) presents Dr. William McCord, SCDNR naturalist, at the Waccamaw Library. Dr. McCord will share recent Monarch butterfly research and facts on planting to attract them. David Fattaleh will demonstrate how to photograph butterflies and other small creatures (shutter speed, aperture, white balance, metering and apparel). Free and open to the public,
2 PM - Solar Ambassador Ron Revere at the Waccamaw Library presenting "Our Solar System and Beyond: Our Moon and Others." Revere is a 34-year veteran teacher of Astronomy and Physics who most recently has been sharing his knowledge with classes at OLLI-Litchfield. He is also a Teaching Associate at CCU in Conway where he works diligently to bring the wonders of Astronomy 101 to non-science majors. Join Ron as he explores the planets, their moons, how they move through our sky, and the newly discovered planets outside our own solar system! "Exoplanets" on April 27. Free and open to the public, 6:30 PM - FOWL Classic Film Series with film historians Bill Harvey and Tony Miller presents "The Sting" at Waccamaw Library. Free and open to the public, Saturday, April 21 7:30 AM-until - Tour de Plantersville - A Discovery Ride along the Plantersville Scenic Byway, Georgetown County, SC. This unique cycling event to benefit The Village Group and the Plantersville Summer Academy is designed to bring people together to discover the history, habitat, health and harmony engendered by the 10-mile or 25-mile rides or the 2-mile hiking option along the Scenic Byway with designated stops at10 plantations and the Dirleton Plantation-Samworth Wildlife Management Area. Post-ride celebration with lunch, live music, inflatables, games and raffles. Registration includes lunch, t-shirt and one raffle ticket. $15-$35, or 9 AM-5 PM - Brookgreen Gardens Earth Day Festival with garden demonstrations and plant sale. Free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or 10 AM-5 PM - Paint-in with Danny McLaughlin at the Litchfield Exchange (14363 Ocean Highway, behind Applewood House of Pancakes). Join this day-long opportunity to paint with one of the region's finest. Bring finished/unfinished works in any medium, any subject matter, any skill level for review, suggestions and instruction in color theory and composition by one of the area's local art treasures. Tables and chairs provided; bring art supplies and easel if needed. Offered bi-monthly (5/5, 5/19), space is limited. $45, 843.235.9600 or
Sunday, April 22 9:45 AM-3 PM - 27th Annual Spring Tide - A Day for the Inlet. Twenty-six years and going strong, Spring Tide is South Carolina's biggest and longest-running one-day community clean-up. Join in to clean up the creek and streets of Murrells Inlet. The day begins with an invocation at 9:45 AM at Morse Park Landing (next to the Hot Fish Club). Volunteers check in at the Hot Fish Club to receive street assignments for clean-up. Workers head out at 10 AM to start picking up the trash. Everyone is invited back to the Hot Fish Club at 1 PM for the "Best Damn Chowder Cook-off," light-hearted festivities and live music to celebrate our hard work. More than 15 restaurant chowders will be available and the chowder is free to all our workers. Bring your boats, boots, bug spray, glove and your love of the Inlet. Free, 843.357.2007. 1-3 PM - Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum hosts its Horry-Georgetown County High Schools 19th Annual Juried Art Exhibition. An awards ceremony begins at 1:30 PM, and the works will be on view through May 20. Reception free and open to the public,
Monday, April 23 1:30-4:30 PM - Yachting With The Baruchs. Early 20th century Baruch family visitors arrived and departed by boat from a pier on the bluff overlooking Winyah Bay. Participants have the opportunity to travel on the water in a charter pontoon, learning of the history and ecology of Hobcaw's 16,000 acres in this "floating lecture" by Hobcaw staff. Special emphasis is placed on the changes in history and ecology since the Barony was first established in 1718, four hundred years ago. A half hour car caravan leads to Hobcaw House and two full hours on the water promise a look at the past. (Exertion level: low impact, sitting for long periods) Reservations required. $50, Tuesday, April 24 9 AM-3 PM - Wash Day at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm (Hwy 701 North and Harris Short Cut Road, Conway). Join us for Wash Day, in addition to the regular washing of clothes, staff will demonstrate how families could make a yard broom out of materials found in the woods. A free, hour-long, guided tour of the farm starts at 3 PM. Free and open to the public, 843.365.3596 or 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Ariel Lawhon (I Was Anastasia) at Inlet Affairs. A rising star in historical suspense, Lawhon's prior works (Flight of Dreams, a heart-wrenching novel about the final flight of the Hindenburg, and The Wife, the Maid and the Mistress, a wickedly entertaining who-done-it about the 1930-disappearance of Judge Joseph Crater) established her as a writer to watch. Now, in an enthralling new novel, she unravels the extraordinary twists and turns in Anna Anderson's 50-year battle to be recognized as Anastasia Romanov. Is she the Russian Grand Duchess, a beloved daughter and revered icon, or is she an imposter, the thief of another woman's legacy? $30, 843.235.9600.
Thursday, April 26 1:30-4:30 PM - Behind the Scenes Tour at Hobcaw Barony. See April 19 entry for details. Reservations required. $30,
5:30-6:30 PM - Salsa Lessons! In preparation for our annual Friends of Brookgreen fundraiser ¡Viva Havana!, join us on for complimentary salsa lessons outside of the Rainey Sculpture Pavilion. No reservations necessary. Free with garden admission, 843.235.6000.
6-8:30 PM - Spring Supper at The Barony Celebrates Archaeology. In 1718, Hobcaw Barony was bestowed by English King George I to John Lord Carteret, then was sold and subdivided into a number of individual rice plantations. Beginning in 1905, the Barony was pieced back together by Bernard Baruch. By 1964, the entire Barony was re-established and owned by Belle Baruch who dedicated the land as a research reserve in perpetuity. Join the Baruch Foundation at Kimbel Lodge to celebrate the 1718 anniversary, with Dr. Karen Smith and her report on the archaeological survey done at Hobcaw Barony, revealing the artifacts and stories they tell. Hog Heaven is catering BBQ, Pilau and all the fixin's with plenty of iced tea (BYOB, if you wish to have an alcoholic beverage). (Exertion level: low impact, sitting for long periods) Reservations required. $30,
7 PM - The Friends of the Waccamaw Library invite you to their 10th Annual Student Poetry: A Night with Poets contest at the Waccamaw Library. The program will feature fantastic finalists, who have been chosen by an esteemed panel of judges. To ensure anonymity, the judges were given poems with only a number assigned to them. Now, after a series of readings and eliminations, the winning poets have their works ready to read. As in past years, the competition is stiff, with an impressive array of poetry from bright teen minds all over the Waccamaw Neck. Come hear selections from merit finalists of FOWL Poetry contest. Free and open to the public,
9 PM - "Charlie's Place," a part of SCETV's Carolina Stories, airs on SCETV. In 1937, at the height of the swing dance craze, Charlie and Sarah Fitzgerald opened the doors to a supper club called Charlie's Place, and it remained a popular nightspot for more than a decade. All were welcome, and the mixed crowd defied the color barrier to drink, dance and have fun. Everyone who was anyone on the Chitlin' Circuit played Charlie's Place in Myrtle Beach - Count Basie, Billie Holiday, Ruth Brown, Little Richard, Duke Ellington, Etta James, Marvin Gaye and many more. The good times abruptly ended on the night of August 26, 1950, when the Ku Klux Klan attacked the nightclub. Although this story ends in tragedy, it began with the goodwill of people who were brought together by music and a man who didn't see color lines. Charlie Fitzgerald created a place of harmony, where music lovers of any color could mingle and dance together, long before the barriers of segregation fell. SCETV shares this piece of South Carolina history as part of its Carolina Stories series. Created by the same SCETV documentary film director and producer Betsy Newman who filmed "The Baruchs of Hobcaw" and created the award-winning multi-media digital project, for Hobcaw Barony, as well as "Saving Sandy Island," "This is Brookgreen," among many others.
Friday, April 27 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Kathleen Rooney (Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk) at Ocean Club, Grande Dunes, Myrtle Beach. It's the last day of 1984, and 85-year-old Lillian Boxfish is about to take a walk. As she traverses a grittier Manhattan, a city anxious after an attack by a still-at-large subway vigilante, she encounters bartenders, bodega clerks, chauffeurs, security guards, bohemians, criminals, children, parents, and parents-to-be - in surprising moments of generosity and grace. While she strolls, Lillian recalls a long and eventful life that included a brief reign as the highest-paid advertising woman in America - a career cut short by marriage, motherhood, divorce, and a breakdown. In this love letter to city life - however shiny or sleazy - Rooney paints a portrait of a remarkable woman across the canvas of a changing America: from the Jazz Age to the onset of the AIDS epidemic; the Great Depression to the birth of hip-hop. $30, 843.235.9600 or
12-3 PM - 5th Annual Low Country Garden Party. An elegant garden party luncheon held at the Kaminski House Museum, Georgetown. Gem raffle, live painting, live auction, luncheon provided by Get Carried Away Catering. All proceeds benefit the Kathryn Bryan Metts Scholarship Fund and the Pawleys Island Festival of Music & Art. Reservations required, 843.626.8911 or 2 PM - Solar Ambassador Ron Revere at the Waccamaw Library presenting "Our Solar System and Beyond: Exoplanets." See April 20 entry for details. Free and open to the public, Saturday, April 28 9 AM-4 PM - Art Under the Oaks at the Litchfield Market Village to benefit Tara Hall Home for Boys. 40 local artisans. 3 musical performers. Art, photography, jewelry, entertainment, music, food, silent auction and more! free to attend, browse, listen and enjoy. Great gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day. (Rain date, Sunday, April 29.)
Tuesday, May 1 Palmetto Giving Day is a 24-hour, online giving event for Georgetown County. Together, we're making Georgetown County a better place to live, work and play. We encourage you to join us on May 1, 2018 in support of 54 nonprofit organizations working in Georgetown County.
Thursday, May 3 10 AM - First Thursday Speaker Series presents Ron Roth, "All Things Souther: The Charleston Renaissance & Revival of Southern Art." Nationally known historian explores post-Civil War Charleston, once "the Queen of the South" which was still struggling with economic and cultural stagnation, when in 1915 a group of writers and artists rediscovered the City's beauty and artistic possibilities, fueling a cultural and economic revival. Funding provided by South Carolina Humanities. Free and open to the public, or
Friday, May 4 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Jonathan Green (The Freedom Ship of Robert Smalls) at Inlet Affairs. Based on the true story of Robert Smalls, born a slave in 1839 in Beaufort, S.C., who gained fame as an African American hero of the American Civil War. Author Louise Meriwether tells the inspirational story of Smalls' life as a slave, his boyhood dream of freedom, and his bold and daring plan as a young man to commandeer a Confederate gunboat from Charleston Harbor and escape with fifteen fellow slaves and family members. Smalls joined the Union Navy, rose to the rank of captain, and became the first African American to command a U.S. service ship. After the war Smalls returned to Beaufort, bought the home of his former master, and began a long career in state and national politics. This new edition is graced with unmistakable illustrations by Jonathan Green, iconic lowcountry artist. $30, 843.235.9600 or
Friday & Saturday, May 4-5 All day - St. John' s Greek Orthodox Church (3301 33rd Avenue North, Myrtle Beach) is having a Fine Arts/Fine Crafts Sale. If you are interested in displaying/selling your work, contact Eugenia Tribett, event coordinator at 843.448.3773 or Saturday, May 5 7 AM - 7th Annual Paddle Fest benefiting Tara Hall Home for Boys. Register or sign up for announcements at or call 843.546.3000.
Early! Teeing Off to Fight Senior Isolation - 12th Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Fundraising Golf Tournament at the Founders Club, Pawleys Island! Visit or 843.839.0702 for tournament details and to sign up. 6-10 PM - Friends of Brookgreen Garden hold their annual spring benefit in the Palmetto Garden, this year themed "Viva Havana!" Enjoy an evening of Cuban cuisine, tropical cocktails, salsa dancing, a fabulous silent auction and so much more. Attire is Cuban Chic (think Panama hats, floral prints and dancing shoes). Rain date, Sunday, May 6. $175 per person, 843.235.6026 or Tuesday, May 8 10 AM - Grandparenting 101. Creative educator and writer Jana Hletko will be the featured speaker at the Waccamaw Library's May Author's Table. Hletko has a special treat in store: her books 100 Plus Things to do with your Grandchildren and Cousins Camp 2.0: A Guide To Spending Special Time With Your Grandchildren have all the ingredients for a lifetime of fun events with the little ones. Hletko has plenty of "boots on the ground" training for her book ideas: she and her husband Paul, a pediatrician, have three adult children and nine grandchildren. She was one of the first 100 teachers in the United States to attain certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. With that honor came an invitation to the White House and a meeting with President Bill Clinton. In 1999-2000, she was the Georgetown County Teacher of the Year, and she was the South Carolina Journalism Teacher of the Year in 2005. Come gather some creative fodder for your visits with the grands. Free and open to the public,
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Robin Salmon (Brookgreen Gardens: Atalaya) at The Reserve. Robin R. Salmon,vice president of art and historical collections and curator of sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens, focuses on Archer Huntington's passion for the history and culture of Spain as shown in the home he designed. Inspired by the Moorish architecture of Spain and northern Africa, Atalaya was not the usual millionaire's beach resort, although it provided an economic boon to the area. The home was a retreat while Anna recuperated from tuberculosis and Archer continued his business and philanthropic interests. Today, Atalaya is part of Huntington Beach State Park where visitors tour the home with a docent or an audio tour and are intrigued by its design and the legacy of the Huntingtons. $30, 843.235.9600 or
Friday, May 11 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Mary Kay Andrews (The High Tide Club) at Ocean One, Litchfield. High times, high finance and high humor with the inimitable MKA! The Feast is full but Mary Kay will be at Litchfield Books at 2 PM for a book signing at Litchfield Books, Fri., 2 PM, 843.237.8138. Monday, May 14 11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Dorothea Benton Frank (By Invitation Only) at Pawleys Plantation.What happens when a young sophisticated Chicagoan falls for the owner of a farm on Johns Island, a lush Lowcountry paradise off the coast of South Carolina - trading the bustle of a city for a small southern town. City mouse meets country mouse in this thoughtful, timely, humorous and bighearted tale - just what we'd expect from Dottie - and we get her the day before her book's released! $60 (includes book & lunch), 843.235.9600. Tuesday, May 15 Noon-2 PM - The Moveable Feast: Jon Meacham (The Soul of America) at Pawleys Plantation ($62, incl. book & lunch, portion of book sales to benefit Hobcaw Barony). The Pulitzer Prize-winning author helps us understand the present moment in American politics and life by looking back at critical times in our history when hope overcame division and fear. Our current climate of partisan fury is not new, and Meacham shows us how what Abraham Lincoln called the "better angels of our nature" have repeatedly won the day. Each of the dramatic hours in our national life have been shaped by the contest to lead the country to look forward rather than back, to assert hope over fear-a struggle that continues even now. To accommodate Jon's flight schedule, we will have lunch first (at noon), followed by his talk and book signing. LOOKING AHEAD! Sept. 3 & 13 - Travel Alaska-Inside Passage and benefit FOWL: Barbara McGhee of Cameo Travel Enrichment offers a 10-day cruise along Alaska's famed Inside Passage departing from San Francisco on the Princess Line. Ports of call: San Francisco, Juneau, Skagway, Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, Victoria/British Columbia, San Francisco. Prices range from $1,189-$2,654 per person, based on double occupancy. Government taxes are not included. For assistance with booking, air fares to SF and transfers to cruise ship, contact Barbara McGhee, 843.650.4501 or
Oct. 15 - Travel to China and benefit FOWL: Barbara McGhee of Cameo Travel Enrichment offers a 9-day cultural tour of China for $2,290 including international airfare roundtrip from JFK-Beijing. Five star hotels and most meals, as well as Great Wall of China, Terra Cotta Warriors, Summer Palace-UNESCO, Museums-Ancient Antiques, Tang Dynasty Dance & Music, Olympic venues: Bird Nest & Water Cube, Beijing Zoo-Giant Pandas. (Not included, but can be arranged for you round trip flight from your home to JFK, single room supplement $280, personal travel insurance, VISA for China $200 gratuities). 843.650.4501 or ONGOING! - Check out this updated nonprofit website, created and maintained by Murrells Inlet resident John Morken, to keep you informed about all of the cultural events on the Grand Strand. Dedicated to making it easy to know about all the Fine Arts events, it strips away pop culture and tourist attractions found in other guides. The What's Happening page has artists, performers and sponsors personally telling you what they are presenting NOW, along with ads for events. The calendar displays as a month, week, day or agenda. Each event is categorized (e.g., music, art), and you can choose to view any or all of the categories by clicking on them in the dropboxes at the top of the calendar. Through April 22 - Exhibits at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum, Myrtle Beach. Stephen Bleicher: "The King's Highway" features photorealistic graphite renderings developed from site sketches and photographs, which are evocative of the sense of place and of the local industry. The drawings are combined with maps, a metaphor for the journey, and found objects from the area to form a complex layering of narrative imagery within a discreet, unified space. William H. Miller: "What You See Is What You Get." Regular gallery hours will be from 10 AM-4 PM, Tuesday through Saturday, and 1-4 PM on Sundays. Free and open to the public, 843.238.2510 or
Through Oct. 15 - Whispering Wings Butterfly Experience at Brookgreen's Butterfly House. This seasonal exhibit features a lush garden filled with tropical plants where hundreds of butterflies soar through the air. Monarch, Zebra Longwing, Polydamas Swallowtails, Pipevine Swallowtails, Spicebush Swallowtails, Julias, Buckeyes, Queens, Painted Lady, and American Lady are just a few of the species that call Whispering Wings home. We will add dozens of other species throughout the summer and fall. Whispering Wings contains a pupae emergence room where visitors may observe the transformation from chrysalis to adult butterflies. Interpretive signs throughout the exhibit and benches provide a restful place to watch their delicate beauty in flight. Daily, 10 AM-4:30 PM, adults $4, children $3 for a 30-minute timed visit, in addition to garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
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