Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Your bi-monthly newsletter is here!

What's happening on the Waccamaw Neck ~ compliments of the Friends of Waccamaw Library!

The Friends of Waccamaw Library's bi-monthly digital newsletter aims to let you know what's happening on the Waccamaw Neck and Georgetown (farther afield if it's library-related). This e-communication supplements the hard copy newsletter mailed quarterly and is sent to all Friends (whose e-dresses we have) and to all who ask to be added to the Constant Contact list.

In addition to the programming developed by the library system and the Friends (in red), we will cover other opportunities for quality experiences, education and entertainment. The information is organized by date, so scroll down to the date you are seeking. If you are part of a group or organization with news to share, we welcome your announcement. Keep it short; just the facts. We cannot reproduce an elaborate pdf with graphics and photos. The key information needed includes: Title of event, Where held, When (date and time), BRIEF description, Benefit for (if applicable), Cost (if any), Contact (phone and email), Website (for more information).
To be added to the e-mail list or to submit an announcement, please send your information directly to the e-newsletter editor Linda Ketron at:
Kids & Families at Waccamaw Library - all programs free.
  • Game on! We play a wide variety of family friendly board and card games at every branch, and always have a great time. Waccamaw Game Night, Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30 PM, free,
  • Storytime! Every Wednesday, 10:30 AM. Ages birth to 5.
  • Art with the Myrtle Beach Art Museum. Ages 7 and up, 1st Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
  • Canine Angels. Reading has gone to the dogs! Check out this link to see the benefits to children of reading to attentive pooches: All ages, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month, 3-4 PM.
  • LEGO Free Build. All ages, Fridays after school.
  • Minecraft Club. Come share the worlds you've created! All ages, Fridays after school.  
  • Manners Club is held the first Saturday each month, providing basic etiquette and manners training in a fun and exciting environment for children 4-10 years old. Contact Connie Graham (Ms. Manners) at
Adults at Waccamaw Library - most programs are free, although some require membership. Contact
  • Tidelands Camera Club meets on the first Monday each month, 9-11 AM.
  • Technology Club meets on the second Monday each month at 9:30 AM to discuss advances.
  • Waccamaw Genealogy Club meets on the third Monday each month, 9-11:30 AM.
  • Knitting Group meets Mondays, 1-3 PM to knit and crochet with company and share patterns and techniques. Contact Carol Davison at
  • Mah Jongg Club meets Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, bring your set and current card.
  • iPad Club meets on the first Friday each month, 9-10 AM.
  • Mac Club meet on the first Friday each month, 10-11 AM.
June Artist at the Waccamaw Library: Johnnie Cowan 
An award-winning Lowcountry artist, the founder and first president of the Georgetown County Watercolor Society, and a signature member of the South Carolina Watermedia Society, Johnnie Cowan is also a member of the Georgetown Artist Gallery. She has been an active member of the art community for more than forty years as an artist, teacher and advocate for the arts. Working in both transparent watercolors and oils, Johnnie has displayed in numerous exhibits, including the Southern Watercolor Society, the South Carolina Watermedia Society, Spoleto, Waccamaw Arts and Craft Guild, MOJO International, and won several 1st Place and Best in Show awards. She was the first place winner in the 2016 Seaside Palette and was chosen as the 25th Anniversary Wooden Boat Show Artist. For more information, email

June Photographers at the Waccamaw Library:  Sandra Anderson and June Jordan
An award winning, self-taught photographer, shooting digital since the early 2000's, Sandra Anderson has been a resident of the South Carolina Lowcountry for about 40 years. One of her special passions is preserving the quickly vanishing culture and old buildings of the area through photography. She has been privileged to be accepted into ArtFields® for the past three years. Her work is currently shown in the Georgetown Art Gallery, Georgetown, SC; The Lens Work Gallery, and the Cuckoo's Nest all of Pawleys Island, SC; and, The Chinaberry Tree, Myrtle Beach, SC. She has participated in special shows with the Rice Museum in Georgetown, SC, The Art Trail Gallery in Florence, SC, and the Elder Gallery in Charlotte, NC. She holds memberships at Carolinas Nature Photography Association, Seacoast Artists Guild, and Photographic Society of America.
June Jordan is a graphic artist and photographer with a passion for history, the arts, and the environment. A native of Ohio, she and husband Allen, moved to Murrells Inlet in 1994. Her career as a graphic artist spans four decades. She continues to freelance but more often volunteers her time and talents to non-profit organizations. She designed posters and playbills for the former Murrells Inlet Community Theatre for 16 years and for Trees for Tomorrow for the past five, and has produced newsletters, artwork, and promotional materials for community groups and environmental endeavors. June's nature photography earned top honors in the S.C. Wildlife Federation Photography Contest. For more information about the photography displayed at the Waccamaw Library, email

Leadership Georgetown County Class of 2017 is asking for your participation in and support for their class project. The class is collecting new swimsuits (children's sizes 6-10), towels, and youth goggles to support the Y Splash program at the Georgetown YMCA. You can bring children's swim items to the Friends Center at the Waccamaw Library by June 5th or to the Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours on June 8th and LGC class members will be on hand to accept your donations. Y Splash is offered to Georgetown County second graders, teaching them water safety and basic swim lessons. The program began in response to a tragic drownings near Sandy Island in 2009. LGC Class is collecting swim gear that will be provided to students that cannot afford these items helping to ensure that all second graders in Georgetown County have the opportunity to participate in this life-saving program.  Donations will be presented to the YMCA during Business After Hours on June 8th. For more details, go to the Georgetown County Chamber of Commerce website:

For your kids or visiting grands: During June, July and August, the SC Maritime Museum  offers one week, half-day Youth Sailing Camps for beginning and intermediate sailors ages 8-14. Morning camps will be held Monday through Friday from 9 am to 12 noon. Afternoon camps will be held Monday through Friday from 2 pm until 5 pm. The fee is $200 per camper and includes a US Sailing's "Learn Sailing Right Beginning Sailing" course book, a skills log book, and a T-shirt. Museum members will receive a 10% discount for children or grandchildren. Instruction will take place at the SC Maritime Museum (729 Front St., Georgetown), in the park beside the museum, and on the water. Sailboats will put in at the City docks beside the museum. Class size will be limited to 10 campers per session. The instructors will be Fred Hoelscher, a certified US Sailing Small Boat Level 1 instructor, and Dave Lowe, a former teacher and experienced sailor. Adult and junior volunteers will be on hand to assist. Campers will learn to sail the Optimist Pram (OPTI), a small, extremely stable sailboat designed for teaching young people to sail. The SC Maritime Museum has a fleet of 10 wooden Optimist Prams funded by community sponsors and built by volunteers. For more information to download a registration form, visit To receive a registration form by mail contact Amy Rowe at the South Carolina Maritime Museum at 843.520.0111 or email
Thursday, June 1
10 AM-Noon - First Thursday Speakers Series at Waccamaw Library. This FOWL-hosted event features Chef Joe Bonaparte, Myrtle Beach Culinary Institute executive director, sharing  details of the new $16M Grand Strand teaching facility and the farm-to-table focus on locally sourced ingredients showcased in its student-run restaurant. Free and open to the public,,

5 PM - Join the Georgetown County Chamber of Commerce at Gilbert's Ice Cream (10080 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island) for their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony! Free samples of Gilbert's wonderful homemade ice cream made on premises.  
Friday, June 2
8:30 AM-1 PM - North Inlet Paddle. Join the North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Surf the Earth for a naturalist-guided tour through the creeks of North Inlet. The program includes instruction in basic kayaking, a natural history overview, and educational highlights of the North Inlet ecosystem. Wear sturdy shoes, bring water, snack, and camera/binoculars (if desired). Also offered June 20, July 19, Aug. 17 & Aug. 31. $50/person; weather permitting; limited to 6 participants; register at 843.904.9016. 
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Walt Gragg (Red Line) at Hot Fish Club.WWIII explodes in this electrifying debut military thriller in the tradition of Red Storm Rising and The Third World War. A resurgent Russian Empire launches a deadly armored thrust into the heart of Germany, and WWIII explodes. With a powerful blizzard providing cover, Russian tanks thunder down the autobahns while undercover Spetsnaz teams strike at vulnerable command points. Standing against them are the woefully undermanned American forces. What they lack in numbers they make up for in superior weapons and training. But before the sun rises they are on the run across a smoking battlefield crowded with corpses. Any slim hope for victory rests with one unlikely hero. Army Staff Sergeant George O'Neill, a communications specialist, may be able to reestablish links that have been severed by hostile forces, but that will take time. While he works, it's up to hundreds of individual American soldiers to hold back the enemy flood. Fri., 11 AM-1 PM, $30, 843.235.9600 or
6-9 PM - Georgetown Business Association presents Band of Oz in concert at Francis Marion Park (801 Front St.). Free,
6:30 PM - Friday Night Film Series at the Waccamaw Library presents "Captain Fantastic" (2016, R). In the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, challenging his idea of what it means to be a parent. Starring Viggo Mortensen, George MacKay and Samantha Isler. Free and air conditioned,
Saturday & Sunday, June 3-4
9:30 AM-4 PM - Brookgreen Gardens Art Festival provides a two-day opportunity to talk with local and regional artists and authors. Brookgreen invites selected artists and authors to sell their works, meet with visitors and give demonstrations. Brookgreen debuts the first book in its new series The Magnificent Brookgreen Gardens Story House Books with "The Friendly Fox Squirrel," written by Ron Daise and illustrated by Millie Doud ($8.95). Attendance free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
Saturday, June 3
9 AM - North Litchfield Beach Sweep. Meet at walkway 7/ #51 to clean up the beach, clear vines and check for loose boards. Bring hammers, clippers and gloves if you have them.
1 PM - Bluegrass at Horry County Museum (805 Main St, Conway). The Horry County Museum and the AVX Foundation present a free traditional bluegrass concert by The Morris Brothers who have been  making music together for 44 years. Originally from West Virginia, they now reside in the Aynor/Cool Springs area of South Carolina. The brothers started playing bluegrass when they were young boys growing up in the hollows of West Virginia. They enjoy playing bluegrass music and bluegrass gospel and play regularly in Horry County. Band members include Mike Morris of Aynor, SC on vocals and banjo, Matt Morris from Cool Springs, SC on vocals and guitar, William Hardee from Loris, SC on vocals and fiddle, and Tammy Holt of Conway, SC on the bass. 843-915-5320 or
Wednesday, June 7
6-8 PM - Aaron Burr and the Election of 1800. Calling all South Carolina history buffs to attend our traditional "Summer Supper" at Kimbel Lodge at Hobcaw Barony to drink, eat BBQ and listen to Steve Griffith, Esquire. Formerly of Charlotte and now a resident of Columbia, he has lectured at and been published through SC Historical Society and the South Caroliniana Library Society. His lecture will focus on South Carolina's pivotal role in the election of 1800 when presidential candidates included incumbent John Adams, South Carolinian Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (son of Eliza Lucas Pinckney of indigo fame), Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr whose daughter Theodosia married Joseph Alston one of their wedding gifts was Oryzantia Plantation at Hobcaw. The contested election results, the famous Burr-Hamilton duel in 1804, Theodosia's disappearance at sea in 1812, Joseph's election as South Carolina governor in 1812, and his death of a broken heart. Intrigue, drama and tangled history - politics as usual! (Please BYOB should you wish to have an alcoholic beverage.) Reservations required, limited to 75. $30/person, 843.546.4623 or
Thursday, June 8
10 AM - Exploring Religious Cultures at the Waccamaw Library. This series of lectures explores the diverse array of religions and cultures that can be found in our area. different religion or practice, presented by an expert in the field. "An Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism" is presented by David LaCombe, Marlene Krauthamer and Maureen Bloch. Lacombe, Krauthamer, and Bloch have been doing public presentations as a team at colleges, churches and libraries for years. Both women have been Buddhists for over 30 years each. As LaCombe explains, "Nichiren Buddhism is a form of Buddhism from the 13th century Japan. One point that I would like to illustrate is that our Buddhist practice is very practical to do as part of our everyday life. It isn't as monastic or demanding as say a Zen Buddhist practice. We do our prayers morning and evening. The length of time spent in prayer and chanting varies with each person according to their own schedule." Other topics to be featured in coming months include Christian Thought, Bakongo and Judaism. To reserve a seat or for more information, email

6-8 PM - Surf The Earth Sunset/Full Moon Kayak Tour. This naturalist guided two-hour tour takes place from dusk through the rising moon. Enjoy a leisurely paddle through the beautiful salt marsh system, and watch the sun set and give way to the moon's rise. If you have a camera, there are a lot of opportunities to capture our spectacular wild life (turtles, dolphins, and shore birds), beautiful sunsets, and spectacular moon rise over the ocean. Bring your favorite beverage and be prepared to kick back and enjoy the spectacular view. Also offered July 6, Aug. 7. $75, or 843.235.3500.
Friday, June 9
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Lisa Wingate (Before We Were Yours) at Pawleys Plantation. From the 1920s through 1950, thousands of children of single mothers and poverty-stricken parents were taken away - sometimes even quietly whisked off front porches or from hospital maternity wards - by the Tennessee Children's Home Society and its Memphis branch director, Georgia Tann. While heartbroken birth mothers searched for their stolen sons and daughters, the children were often kept in unlicensed boarding facilities and given new names and histories before being transported around the country to adoptive parents who could afford to pay. Before We Were Yours tells the stories of the children, through twelve-year-old Rill Foss, stolen from her family's Mississippi River shanty boat with her four young siblings and held in an orphan house where uncertainty and danger wait around every corner. For admirers of Orphan Train and The Nightingale, Wingate adds a brilliantly fictionalized life to one of America's most notorious scandals. $30, 843.235.9600 or

6:30 PM - Friday Night Film Series at the Waccamaw Library presents "Deepwater Horizon" (2016, PG 13). A dramatization of the April 2010 disaster, when the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon exploded and created the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Starring Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, and Douglas M. Griffin. Free and air conditioned,
Saturday, June 10
1 PM - The Horry County Museum (805 Main St., Conway) and the AVX Foundation present a lecture by J.R. Fennell on the history of alcohol and drinking in the state of South Carolina. Attendees will learn about the alcoholic beverages that South Carolinians enjoyed in the colonial period through the end of prohibition. This presentation will also teach attendees about the movement to limit or ban alcohol and the state dispensary system. J.R. Fennell, a native of Walterboro, South Carolina and lifelong history enthusiast, is the director of the Lexington County Museum located in downtown Lexington, SC. He has a master's degree in public history and a graduate certificate in museum management from the University of South Carolina. For more information, call 843.915.5320 or 

Monday, June 12
10 AM - Exploring Religious Cultures at the Waccamaw LibraryThis series of lectures explores the diverse array of religions and cultures that can be found in our area. different religion or practice, presented by an expert in the field. "Responding to Modernity: Crisis and Enrichment in Christian Thought" will be presented by Adrian Bird. A native of England, Adrian Bird currently serves as Affiliate Professor of Christian History at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte, teaching courses in history and inter-religious encounters. Bird is also the Vice-President of Interfaith Partners of South Carolina. He has lived in a variety of cross-cultural/ religious international settings, including Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. He says: "How on earth have Christians sought to navigate the torrid landscape of the modern world? In this presentation we will venture into the world of post-Enlightenment Christianity, exploring various theological movements responding to the challenges of modernity. Ultimately, we will ask whether modernity has been a cause for crisis or enrichment within Christianity." Other topics to be featured in coming months include Bakongo and Judaism. To reserve a seat or for more information, email
Tuesday, June 13
9-11 AM - Shell Midden Island Kayak Trip. Join the Reserve and Surf the Earth for a naturalist-guided tour to the shell middens of North Inlet. The program includes instruction in basic kayaking, a natural history overview, and educational highlights of the North Inlet ecosystem. Wear sturdy shoes, bring water, snack, and camera/binoculars (if desired). Registration required; weather permitting; limited to 6 participants. Also offered July 12. Registration required; weather permitting; limited to 6 participants. $50, 843.904.9016.
Wednesday, June 14
10 AM - Flag Day Ceremony. The Winyah Chapter of the American Daughters of the Revolution will have a flag retirement ceremony at Morgan Park in Georgetown. Bill Judd, a member of the Horry County Sons of the American Revolution, will be the guest speaker and the public is invited.

1 PM - Gullah Program at Brookgreen Gardens. Ron Daise, Vice-president for Creative Education and Gullah descendant, will present an entertaining and informative program about the culture, food, language, and history of the Gullah Geechee people in the Wall Lowcountry Center Auditorium. Free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
June 14-Aug. 11 - Cool Summer Evenings at Brookgreen Gardens. After a day at the beach, visit the gardens in the cool of the evening until 9 PM and enjoy concerts, kids programs, and dinner in the Pavilion Restaurant (open til 7 PM). Entertainment and programs are included in garden admission. Creek Cruises at 5, 6 and 7 PM are $8 (adults) and $4 (children) in addition to admission. The Lowcountry Trail, The Zoo and the Enchanted Storybook Forest close at 8 PM. Wed.-Fri., 843-235-6000 or
Friday, June 16
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Gail Godwin (Grief Cottage) at Kimbel's, Wachesaw.The haunting tale of a desolate cottage, and the hair-thin junction between this life and the next, from three-time National Book Award finalist and the bestselling author of more than a dozen critically acclaimed books, including Publishing, a memoir, and the novels Flora, Father Melancholy's Daughter, and Evensong. Literary icon Gail Godwin turns her keen observation on eleven-year-old Marcus who, after his mother's death, is sent to live on a small South Carolina island with his great aunt, a reclusive painter with a haunted past. Aunt Charlotte, otherwise a woman of few words, points out a ruined cottage, telling Marcus she had visited it regularly after she'd moved there thirty years ago because it matched the ruin of her own life...$30, 843.235.9600 or
6-9 PM - Georgetown Business Association presents Shaggin' on the Sampit with DJ Mike Worley (94.9 SURF FM) at Francis Marion Park (801 Front St.). Also offered July 21, Aug. 18. Free,
6:30 PM - Friday Night Film Series at the Waccamaw Library presents "Queen Katwe" (2016, PG). A Ugandan girl sees her world rapidly change after being introduced to the game of chess. Starring Madina Nalwanga, David Oyelowo and Lupita Nyong'o. Fri., 6:30 PM, free and air conditioned,
Saturday, June 17
2-5 PM - Rivertown Wine-Around in Downtown Conway. Sample fabulous wine selections. Tickets, $20 in advance/$25 at the door (includes tasting glass). 843.248.6260 or
Tuesday, June 20
8:30 AM-1 PM - North Inlet Paddle. See June 2 entry for details. Also offered July 19, Aug. 17 & Aug. 31. Tues., 8:30 AM-1 PM, $50/person; weather permitting; limited to 6 participants; register at 843.904.9016.
9-11 AM - Carolina Nature Photographers Association at the Waccamaw Library (41 St. Paul Place, Pawleys Island). or

11 AM-1 PM - Moveable Feast: Melissa Conroy (The Lowcountry Coloring Book) at Southern Comforts in Litchfield. In forty drawings, artist and textile designer Melissa Conroy (daughter of Pat Conroy) turns her talents to the landscape of her childhood - the South Carolina Lowcountry - where every summer she returned with sketchbook in handConroy immerses readers in the graceful, haunting beauty of the South, while introducing local history and folklore of Charleston, Savannah, the Sea Islands and beyond. She has MAs from the University of Georgia and Philadelphia University, in painting and textile design, and a BFA in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design. She is a part-time faculty member in the Textile Design Department at Philadelphia University. $30, 843.235.9600 or
Wednesday, June 21
Time? - McClellanville Arts Council offers "Season of the Sun" at the Arts Center on Pinckney. Our very special piece of the planet will be one of the best spots on earth for viewing the total eclipse of the sun on Aug. 21, 2017, and the last piece of American soil where the eclipse will be visible. Perhaps it is no accident that our 40th birthday will be heralded by a once-in-a-lifetime event. Founded in 1977, the McClellanville Arts Council is one of the oldest community arts organizations in the state. We'll be celebrating from the summer solstice on June 21 through the eclipse on August 21. "Season of the Sun" will feature classes, crafts, programs, lectures and merchandise. For details, 843.887.3157.
1 PM - Gullah Program at Brookgreen Gardens. See June 14 entry for details. Also offered June 28. Wed., 1 PM, free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
2:40-5 PM - Wild Wednesday Series: Children's Beach Walk. Register your child (7-16) for a guided beach walk with Belle W. Baruch Foundation staff and volunteers as we discuss barrier islands, maritime forests, tides and turtles. Traveling by bus through DeBordieu Colony to Hobcaw Beach, children disembark on the shore and may return with shells, fossils and "bio-facts." Bring water, hat and sunscreen. Reservations required, limited to 14. $10/person, 843.546.4623 or
Thursday, June 22
5:30 PM - Georgetown Library Book Club meets to discuss Renty's Bell by Robert Insley at Georgetown Library (405 Cleland St.). The book explores the prolific work of Renty Tucker (1831-1913), a remarkable Georgetown County man once called "The Master Builder." Tucker was a highly skilled carpenter enslaved to Plowden C. J. Weston. He received part of his training in England and returned to Georgetown to build Weston's Zoyland (Pelican Inn), the slave chapel at Hagley called St. Mary's and other structures. After gaining his freedom, Tucker also served as the county coroner and as a member of the Georgetown City Board of Health. He was an active member of Prince George Winyah Episcopal Church and served as a sexton for many years. Author Robert Insley will present a lecture on July 18 at 5:30 PM at the Georgetown Library. For a copy of the book, contact Patti Burns,
Friday, June 23
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Mary Alice Monroe (Beach House for Rent) at Litchfield Country Club. Fifty-year-old Cara Rutledge rents out her quaint beach house on Isle of Palms to 25-year old Heather Fordham for the entire summer. An artist by trade who's given a special commission to paint birds on postage stamps, anxiety-prone Heather would prefer to stay indoors with her beloved melee of pet birds. But once at the beach, the shore birds - and a man who rescues them - lure her outside and just might show her what she's been missing out on. Simultaneously, as the summer progresses, Cara's life reels with sudden tragedy. She wants only to return home to the beach house where once she'd felt safe, but Heather refuses to budge from her newfound sanctuary. So begins the unlikeliest of rooming situations between two strangers forced to live together and support each other as they navigate the next chapter of their lives. The fee includes the Feast, the book and a donation to the S.C. Turtle Hospital. $60, 843.235.9600 or
6:30 PM - Friday Night Film Series at the Waccamaw Library presents "Loving" (2016, PG 13). The story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple, whose challenge of their anti-miscegenation arrest for their marriage in Virginia led to a legal battle that would end at the US Supreme Court. Starring Ruth Negga, Joel Edgerton and Will Dalton. Fri., 6:30 PM, free and air conditioned,
Saturday, June 24
1:30-3:30 PM - Family Tour of Hobcaw Barony. Have you always hoped to bring your children on a bus tour but wondered if they would enjoy their time? This family tour hits the highlights of Hobcaw Barony's ecology, history and research, but includes more interpretation on wildlife and the children who once lived, visited or worked on the plantation. Stories from Belle Baruch's own childhood will help us understand her desire to preserve the land forever. Reservations required, limited to 28. $20/person, 843.546.4623 or
10 AM-6 PM - McClellanville Arts Center celebrates the Opening of Pinckney St. Solar System Stroll. This innovative and educational stroll teaches the user about the solar system and features to-scale models of our planets. Free and open to the public, 843.887.3157.
7-9 PM - McClellanville Arts Center offers Copernicus Concert.Join us for a fun evening with excellent music out of Asheville, N.C. $15, 843.887.3157.
Sunday, June 25
Noon-6 PM - The 7th Annual Lowcountry Blueberry Jam & Blueberry Festival at Blue Pearl Farms near McClellanville. Listen to outstanding music, pick blueberries, mingle with local artisans, treat yourself to some delicious food from Culinary Row, and take your turn competing for a new world record in the Lowcountry Blueberry Toss. This year's bands - The Travelin' Kine The Cane Creek String Band - play the best Americana and traditional American music in the lowcountry. Hungry? Culinary Row spotlights ten talented chefs inspired to bring you dishes with origins in Spain, Japan, the Mediterranean, outdoor cooking, and a fusion of Asian and Latin flavors, along with special blueberry offerings from The Cake Farmer and Yellow Bicycle Sweets. Suggested wine and beer pairings will also be available along with farm favorites and blueberry lemonade. Great food, local artists and artisans, fun activities for kids, honey tasting, the world of bees and beekeeping, blueberry management, and more are part of this rain or shine festival. Pick a partner and practice up for the blueberry toss ... one person throws, and the other catches the blueberry ... in their mouth. Everyone is welcome. Please leave your pets at home. Bring a blanket or chairs to set up next to Cypress Pond. No outside alcohol or coolers; food, cold drinks, beer and wine available. Tickets are $10 for adults and children 15 and under are free. Gates open at 11:45 am. Blue Pearl Farms is at 9760 Randall Rd just west of Hwy 17 near McClellanville. Find us @bluepearlfarms on instagram and Blue Pearl Farms on Facebook, 1.843.887.3554 or
Wednesday, June 28
1 PM - Gullah Program at Brookgreen Gardens. See June 14 entry for details. Wed., 1 PM, free with garden admission, 843.235.6000 or
Friday, June 30
11 AM-1 PM - The Moveable Feast: Susan Boyer (Lowcountry Bonfire) at Inlet Affairs. Private Investigators Liz Talbot and Nate Andrews have worked their share of domestic cases. When Tammy Sue Lyerly hires them to find out what her husband is up to - again - they expect to find it's something looney but harmless. After all, this is the guy who claims to have been a DEA agent, a champion bull rider, and a NASCAR driver. When he turns up dead, Tammy is the prime suspect. Liz and Nate must dig through small town gossip and long buried secrets to keep Tammy Sue out of jail and keep themselves alive.  $30, 843.235.9600 or

ONGOING! - Check out this updated nonprofit website, created and maintained by Murrells Inlet resident John Morken, to keep you informed about all of the cultural events on the Grand Strand. Dedicated to making it easy to know about all the Fine Arts events, it strips away pop culture and tourist attractions found in other guides. The What's Happening page has artists, performers and sponsors personally telling you what they are presenting NOW, along with ads for events. The calendar displays as a month, week, day or agenda. Each event is categorized (e.g., music, art), and you can choose to view any or all of the categories by clicking on them in the dropboxes at the top of the calendar.
Through June 1 - 20th Annual Waccamaw Arts & Crafts Guild Juried Exhibition at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum. More than 40 artists from around the region. The exhibit continues through June 1, with gallery hours from 10 AM to 4 PM Tuesday through Saturday, and 1 to 4 PM Sundays. (Shortened hours may apply during some weekends in May. Call the Museum to verify open hours.) Free and open to the public (donations welcome), 843.238.2510 or
Through July 23 - Brookgreen Gardens Sculpture Exhibit: Recent Acquisitions, 2014-2017. This exhibit will feature works by Stanley Bleifeld (1924-2011), Marion Roller (1916 -2012), and Domenico Facci (1916-1994), all of whom are represented by multiple sculptures in the Brookgreen Gardens collection. It will also include medallic art by important sculptors in this specialized field which has been an acquisition focus in recent years. Daily, 9:30 AM-5 PM, free with garden admission, 843.235.6000.

Through August - "Then and Now: The Transformation of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base" The Horry County Museum's exhibit, dedicated to the rich history and special memories of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. The Base served The United States and the Horry County Community for more than 50 years. This exhibit explores the development of the MBAFB, its unexpected closing, and redevelopment into one of the Grand Strand's top destinations, the Market Common. Also showcased is the impressive history of the 354th Fighter Wing. This exhibit is sponsored by The Order of the Daedalians Flight 77 and Carolina Trust Federal Credit Union. Free and open to the public. For further information, 843.915.5320 or

Through Sept. 10 - The Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum presents an exhibition of 43 works by Charleston-based artist Douglas Balentine, including studies, sketches, paintings in progress and finished paintings, titled "Beyond the Horizon." Gallery hours for the exhibit are from 10 AM-4 PM Tuesday through Saturday and 1-4 PM on Sunday. Admission to the Museum is free but donations are welcome.
843.238.2510 or
Through Oct. 31 - Whispering Wings Butterfly Experience through October. This seasonal exhibit features a lush garden filled with tropical plants where hundreds of butterflies soar through the air. Monarch, Zebra Longwing, Polydamas Swallowtails, Pipevine Swallowtails, Spicebush Swallowtails, Julias, Buckeyes, Queens, Painted Lady, and American Lady are just a few of the species that call Whispering Wings home. Dozens of other species will be added throughout the summer and fall. Whispering Wings contains a pupae emergence room where visitors may observe the transformation from chrysalis to adult butterflies. Interpretive signs throughout the exhibit and benches provide a restful place to watch their delicate beauty in flight. Daily, 10:30 AM-4:30 PM, adults $3, children $2 for a 30-minute timed visit, in addition to garden admission, 843-235-6000 or

Through December - Historic Horry County Photographs at the Horry County Museum (805 Main St., Conway). The saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words" is never more true than with a photograph. This exhibit explores historic photographs in the Museum's collection, spanning over 100 years and visually telling a story of how people in Horry County worked and lived. These captured moments in time serve as windows to the past, helping us to learn and understand Horry County's cultural past. For further information, please call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail at

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Friends of the Waccamaw Library, PO Box 1152, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
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Constant Contact

Monday, May 29, 2017

Friends Center Focuses on Beach Reads for June

Summer Fun in the Friends Center

 Summer is here!  And, since summer is all about having fun, the Friends Center is kicking off the season on June 1 by showcasing the most-sought-after paperbacks for the perfect "beach read".  We've also pulled together some essential summer needs and fun things for your home.  Stop by the Friends Center to quench your thirst for summer entertainment and thoughtfully-curated items for beach and home! 

We look forward to seeing you at the Friends Center!

Thank you so much for supporting FOWL and the Friends Center.  The Library is so much better because you care! 
 Sponsored by Friends of the Waccamaw Library

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Friends of the Waccamaw Library, PO Box 1152, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
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Constant Contact

Friday, May 26, 2017


Dear Beneficiary,
An allocation amount of $3,500,000.00 dollars has been approved in your favor by the European Award Financial Council. Your fund has been loaded into an ATM card which will be delivered to you in person at your place of residence via DHL courier service. Your ATM card can be used anywhere to pay in stores and to withdraw cash at ATMs worldwide. For more information and clarification, contact our regional consultant with your details for delivery of your card. E-mail: ( ) Regional Consultant: Martin Amado.
Best regards,
Dr. Thomas Winzen. (Payments Committee - European Award Financial Council)

Thursday, May 25, 2017

June's 1st Thursday Program

 Sponsored by Friends of the Waccamaw Library

Know someone else that would be interested in our organization?
Not yet signed up to receive our informative emails?

Friends of the Waccamaw Library, PO Box 1152, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
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Constant Contact